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  Analyzed 25 days ago

K.E.T.T.L.E (Kettle ETTL Environment) is a meta-data driven ETTL tool. (ETTL: Extraction, Transformation, Transportation & Loading) This means that no code has to be written to perform complex data transformations. Environment means that it is possible to create plugins to do custom ... [More] transformations or access proprietary data sources. Kettle is released under the Apache License v2.0 since version 4.3.0. Kettle moved to GitHub at the beginning of 2014: http://github.com/pentaho/pentaho-kettle This move could lead to strange results in the Ohloh metrics. [Less]

1.24M lines of code

0 current contributors

2 months since last commit

23 users on Open Hub

Moderate Activity
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  Analyzed 25 days ago

OpenJUMP is an open source GIS software written in Java. It is based on JUMP GIS by Vivid Solutions. It is a Vector GIS that can read rasters as well. It is not just another free demo viewer, but you can edit, save, analyze etc. with OpenJUMP. It works, even with medium size datasets, and with ... [More] professional touc. It provides a GIS API with a flexible plugin structure, so that new features are relatively easy to develope around the sound mapping platform. It utilises standards like GML, WMS and WFS. It is already translated in several languages. [Less]

216K lines of code

0 current contributors

2 months since last commit

20 users on Open Hub

Low Activity
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  Analyzed 25 days ago

OpenRefine is a free, open source power tool for working with messy data and improving it

180K lines of code

45 current contributors

about 2 months since last commit

4 users on Open Hub

High Activity
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Claimed by JBoss Analyzed 25 days ago

Teiid is The Enterprise Information Integration (virtual) Database. Teiid is a data virtualization system that allows applications to use data from hetergenous data sources. Teiid is comprised of tools, components and services for creating and executing bi-directional data services. Through ... [More] abstraction and federation, data is accessed and integrated in real-time across distributed data sources without copying or otherwise moving data from its system of record. [Less]

430K lines of code

7 current contributors

about 3 years since last commit

3 users on Open Hub

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  Analyzed 25 days ago

The Distributed Annotation System (DAS) defines a communication protocol used to exchange biological sequence annotations. DAS is a client-server system in which a single client integrates data from multiple servers. Data distribution, performed by DAS servers, is separated from visualization ... [More] , which is done by DAS clients. Little coordination is needed among the various information providers. DAS is heavily used in the genome bioinformatics community for sharing information about gene and protein sequences as well as protein structures. [Less]

76.5K lines of code

0 current contributors

about 14 years since last commit

2 users on Open Hub

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Licenses: No declared licenses



  Analyzed 25 days ago

BioMart is a query-oriented data management system developed jointly by the European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI) and Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL). The system can be used with any type of data and comes with a range of query interfaces and administration tools, including 'out of the ... [More] box' website that can be installed, configured and customised according to requirements. The system simplifies the task of creation and maintenance of advanced query interfaces backed by a relational database and it is particularly suited for providing the 'data mining' like searches of complex descriptive (e.g. biological) data. BioMart can work with existing data repositories by converting them to a required BioMart format as well as newly created databases. [Less]

106K lines of code

0 current contributors

over 16 years since last commit

2 users on Open Hub

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Talend Open Studio General Purpose Components Collection


  Analyzed 25 days ago

A collection of general purpose maven-driven TOS components with various intended uses, from social network analysis to webservice connectors to tweet parsing.

10K lines of code

0 current contributors

almost 8 years since last commit

1 users on Open Hub

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Licenses: No declared licenses

Apache Daffodil


  Analyzed 25 days ago

Apache Daffodil - an implementation of the Data Format Description Language (DFDL)

551K lines of code

10 current contributors

2 months since last commit

1 users on Open Hub

Moderate Activity
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  Analyzed 26 days ago

The open source ISA metadata tracking tools help to manage an increasingly diverse set of life science, environmental and biomedical experiments that employing one or a combination of technologies. Built around the ‘Investigation’ (the project context), Study’ (a unit of research) and ‘Assay’ ... [More] (analytical measurement) general-purpose Tabular format, the ISA tools helps you to provide rich description of the experimental metadata (i.e. sample characteristics, technology and measurement types, sample-to-data relationships) so that the resulting data and discoveries are reproducible and reusable. To find out more about ISA, see www.isa-tools.org [Less]

351K lines of code

4 current contributors

over 1 year since last commit

0 users on Open Hub

Very Low Activity
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Talend Spatial extension


  Analyzed 25 days ago

Talend Spatial extension

108K lines of code

0 current contributors

over 9 years since last commit

0 users on Open Hub

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