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  Analyzed about 2 months ago

MySQL, the most popular Open Source SQL database management system, is developed, distributed, and supported by Oracle Corporation.

4.38M lines of code

143 current contributors

3 months since last commit

9,473 users on Open Hub

Activity Not Available
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Apache OpenOffice


Claimed by Apache Software Foundation Analyzed 22 days ago

Apache OpenOffice is a multiplatform and multilingual office suite and an open-source project. Compatible with all other major office suites, the product is free to download, use, and distribute.

10.8M lines of code

11 current contributors

about 2 months since last commit

4,363 users on Open Hub

High Activity
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  Analyzed 22 days ago

phpMyAdmin is a tool written in PHP intended to handle the administration of MySQL over the Web. Currently it can create and drop databases, create/drop/alter tables, delete/edit/add fields, execute any SQL statement, manage keys on fields.

446K lines of code

182 current contributors

about 2 months since last commit

4,209 users on Open Hub

Very High Activity
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PostgreSQL Database Server


  Analyzed 22 days ago

PostgreSQL is a powerful, open source relational database system. It has more than 15 years of active development and a proven architecture that has earned it a strong reputation for reliability, data integrity, and correctness. It runs on all major operating systems, including Linux, UNIX (AIX ... [More] , BSD, HP-UX, SGI IRIX, Mac OS X, Solaris, Tru64), and Windows. [Less]

1.24M lines of code

27 current contributors

about 2 months since last commit

2,107 users on Open Hub

Very High Activity
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  Analyzed 22 days ago

891K lines of code

6 current contributors

about 2 months since last commit

1,475 users on Open Hub

Very High Activity
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Claimed by The Document Foundation Analyzed 3 months ago

LibreOffice is an integrated office suite based on copyleft licenses and compatible with most document formats and standards. Libreoffice is backed by The Document Foundation, which represents a large independent community of enterprises, developers and other volunteers moved by the common goal of ... [More] bringing to the market the best software for personal productivity. LibreOffice is open source, and free to download, use and distribute. [Less]

10M lines of code

213 current contributors

3 months since last commit

849 users on Open Hub

Activity Not Available
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Licenses: lgpl3, mozilla_p...



  Analyzed 22 days ago

NHibernate is a port of Hibernate Core for Java to the .NET Framework. It handles persisting plain .NET objects to and from an underlying relational database. Given an XML description of your entities and relationships, NHibernate automatically generates SQL for loading and storing the objects. ... [More] Optionally, you can describe your mapping metadata with attributes in your source code. [Less]

784K lines of code

24 current contributors

2 months since last commit

650 users on Open Hub

Low Activity
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Qt 4


  Analyzed 22 days ago

Qt is a cross-platform application and UI framework. Using Qt, you can write applications once and deploy them across many desktop and embedded operating systems without rewriting the source code.

5M lines of code

0 current contributors

over 9 years since last commit

633 users on Open Hub

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  Analyzed 22 days ago

SQLAlchemy is the Python SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper that gives application developers the full power and flexibility of SQL. It provides a full suite of well known enterprise-level persistence patterns, designed for efficient and high-performing database access, adapted into a ... [More] simple and Pythonic domain language. SQL databases behave less and less like object collections the more size and performance start to matter; object collections behave less and less like tables and rows the more abstraction starts to matter. SQLAlchemy aims to accommodate both of these principles. [Less]

419K lines of code

73 current contributors

about 2 months since last commit

253 users on Open Hub

Moderate Activity
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  Analyzed 22 days ago

memcached is a high-performance, distributed memory object caching system, generic in nature, but intended for use in speeding up dynamic web applications by alleviating database load.

57.2K lines of code

18 current contributors

3 months since last commit

221 users on Open Hub

Low Activity
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