The eLesson Markup Language (eLML) is an open source XML framework for creating structured eLessons using XML. Thanks to a clean separation between content and layout eLML lessons can be transformed into many different formats and layouts. It supports the following output formats: XHTML, IMS Content
... [More] Package, SCORM, eBooks (ePub format), PDF, LaTeX, Open Document Format (ODF) and DocBook. The framework has been successfully tested with many different LMS like Moodle, OLAT, WebCT/Blackboard and Ilias. A number of tools like the Firedocs eLML Editor to write lessons or the Template Builder to create eLML layout templates are available and help to make eLML one of the best tools to create sustainable e-Learning content. [Less]
The TEI is an international and interdisciplinary community-based open standard used by research project, libraries, museums, publishers, and academics to represent all kinds of literary and linguistic texts, using an encoding scheme that is maximally expressive and minimally obsolescent.
library to implement a SOAP service in Python using Pyramid, Django and other frameworks with focus on reimplementing an existing WSDL (with the help of code generation utilities).
The library can also help parsing/serializing a Python class model from/to XML and a bare-bones SOAP client.
EuroPass is a pre-alpha state project aiming to provide a NetBeans platform based graphical user interface providing a user-friendly editor for EuroPass based CVs. This is used as a testbed for a sub-project working on an annotation processor creating a NetBeans platform based modular application/
... [More] GUI from JAXB generated classes. In the future this shall also allow to generate GUIs for JPA entity classes, Schema2Beans generated classes, XAM models and other java beans. [Less]
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