OpenStreetMap is a free editable map of the whole world. It is made by people like you.
OpenStreetMap allows you to view, edit and use geographical data in a collaborative way from anywhere on Earth.
Marble is a Virtual Globe and World Atlas that you can use to learn more about Earth: You can pan and zoom around and you can look up places and roads. A mouse click on a place label will provide the respective Wikipedia article.
Marble is also a light weight generic geographical map component
... [More] for use in your own Qt 4.x / C++ application. It is provided as a library, a QWidget and a KDE 4 KPart and hence can easily get integrated with KDE 4 or Qt 4 applications. By default MarbleWidget shows the earth as a sphere but doesn't make use of any hardware acceleration. [Less]
Arcemu is a World of Warcraft server package. Based on the popular Ascent project it aims to provide players with a gameplay very close or identical to the real thing.
It's a multithreaded C++ application with a relational database as a data storage backend( mysql and postgresql are the only
... [More] supported ones this time).
It also supports the popular Lua scripting language for easy extension, and customization. [Less]
Note: This is for the C# version of Worldwind. For information on the newer Java-based API please visit
World Wind, an open source 3D interactive world viewer, was created by NASA's Learning Technologies project, and released in mid-2004. It is now developed by NASA
... [More] staff and open source community developers.
At its simplest you can think of World Wind as a desk globe, however World Wind is not a simple desk globe.
World Wind allows any user to zoom from outer space into any place on Earth. World Wind uses satellite imagery and elevation data to allow users to experience Earth terrain in visually rich 3D, just as if they were really there. [Less]
RealXtend Tundra (ex-Naali) is a scriptable 3D internet application development platform. It is aimed primarily for application developers, as a platform for creating networked 3D worlds with customized content.
CellAO is based in part on the Cell Frame work which is maintained by the Wcell group. However our goal is to emulate Anarchy Online using C# and the Mysql database. This project was officaly started in the middle of 2007 Unofficaly its been around since 2006.
Walking Papers is like walking, but with paper. With Walking Papers you can print a map from OpenStreetMap, walk around with it and take notes and sketch improvements - then you scan it in, edit it in Potlatch and then we all have a better map!
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