OpenStreetMap is a free editable map of the whole world. It is made by people like you.
OpenStreetMap allows you to view, edit and use geographical data in a collaborative way from anywhere on Earth.
JOSM is an editor for OpenStreetMap written in Java. The current version supports stand alone GPX tracks, GPX track data from the OSM database and existing nodes, line segments and metadata tags from the OSM database.
Marble is a Virtual Globe and World Atlas that you can use to learn more about Earth: You can pan and zoom around and you can look up places and roads. A mouse click on a place label will provide the respective Wikipedia article.
Marble is also a light weight generic geographical map component
... [More] for use in your own Qt 4.x / C++ application. It is provided as a library, a QWidget and a KDE 4 KPart and hence can easily get integrated with KDE 4 or Qt 4 applications. By default MarbleWidget shows the earth as a sphere but doesn't make use of any hardware acceleration. [Less]
Merkaartor is an OpenStreetMap mapping program. Merkaartor focuses on providing a visually pleasing but performant editing environment for free geographical data.
Fusion is a web-mapping application development framework for MapGuide OS and MapServer built primarily in JavaScript. It allows non-spatial web developers to build rich mapping applications quickly and easily. Using widgets, developers are able to add, remove, or modify functionality using
... [More] standard-compliant HTML and CSS. Fusion does not require any proprietary browser plug-ins and works in all the major browsers on Windows, Mac, and Linux. [Less]
The Constellation project provides a complete solution for the management, discovery, exploitation, and distribution of geographic data within a distributed services framework based on standards compliant, free software modules.
The project follows well defined standards based on, for geographic
... [More] data, the specifications of the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) and the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) and, for software development, the specifications of the Java computer language as developed within the Java Community Process. [Less]
This is the first OpenStreetMap-Editor for Android, known as "Vespucci". If you want to get a first impression about this software, have a look to the screenshots. Furthermore, feel free to download and share the code.
The app is available from the google play store, github and F-Droid. We
... [More] provide regular test and beta builds.
If you're interested in this project, you're welcome to help improving it. We need UI-designers, translators, and of course java-programmers. Join now!
Join our mailinglist or contact us via our repo. [Less]
The main goal of Puzzle GIS is to create a free, multiplatform (Java based), production ready and competitive tool as a valid alternative to commercial software.
This application is a GIS development platform based on NetBeans 6.
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