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  • role_playing_game (28)



      Analyzed 22 days ago

    A framework for building a complete virtual world.

    618K lines of code

    1 current contributors

    5 months since last commit

    15 users on Open Hub

    Very Low Activity
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      Analyzed 21 days ago

    The aim of Adonthell is the creation of a 2D, graphical, single player role playing game and the required engine. Main emphasis of the game lies on good gameplay rather than on realism; it will be a well-balanced mixture of fast-paced realtime combat, head-cracking puzzle elements and extensive ... [More] dialogues. The engine core is written in C++, but highly customizable through the embedded Python interpreter. Engine and game data are strictly separated to allow the creation of completely different RPGs with the same engine. While we work on completing the engine, we will release fully playable demo games from time to time, that make use of the available engine functionality. [Less]

    107K lines of code

    0 current contributors

    almost 7 years since last commit

    10 users on Open Hub

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    Ryzom Core


      Analyzed 22 days ago

    Ryzom Core is the opensource project related to Ryzom Game. Written in C++, Ryzom Core contains the whole code (client, server, tools) used to make the commercial MMORPG Ryzom. Ryzom Core is a toolkit for the development of massively online universes. It provides the base technologies and a set of ... [More] development methodologies for the development of both client and server code. Ryzom Core is open source and released under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License 3.0 (GNU/AGPLv3) for the source code and the Creative Commons Attributions-ShareAlike 3.0 (CC-BY-SA) for the art assets. [Less]

    2.1M lines of code

    6 current contributors

    7 months since last commit

    10 users on Open Hub

    Very Low Activity
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    Licenses: ccbysa3-0, AGPL3



      Analyzed 22 days ago

    GemRB (Game engine made with preRendered Background) is a portable open-source implementation of Bioware's Infinity Engine which was written to support pseudo-3D role playing games based on the Dungeons & Dragons ruleset (Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, Planescape: Torment).

    185K lines of code

    11 current contributors

    about 2 months since last commit

    6 users on Open Hub

    High Activity
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      Analyzed 21 days ago

    The fully opensource project contains an evolving Role Playing Game framework and game implementations. It is written fully in Java in the tradition of old school RPGs like Wizardry 7 and EOB. Features are OpenGL, AI, scripting, turn based combat, commanding a group of characters and more.

    81.1K lines of code

    0 current contributors

    almost 14 years since last commit

    5 users on Open Hub

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      Analyzed 22 days ago

    CellAO is based in part on the Cell Frame work which is maintained by the Wcell group. However our goal is to emulate Anarchy Online using C# and the Mysql database. This project was officaly started in the middle of 2007 Unofficaly its been around since 2006.

    195K lines of code

    0 current contributors

    over 8 years since last commit

    3 users on Open Hub

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    Post-Apocalyptic RPG


      Analyzed 23 days ago

    PARPG is a post-apocalyptic roleplaying game in early planning stages. We’ve agreed on the following key elements: * Singleplayer RPG. No plans for multiplayer support. Coop gameplay not a priority. * Post-apocalyptic setting. Story, setting and game mechanics details are yet to be discussed. ... [More] * Written in Python (2.x branch). Utilizing the FIFE game engine. * Isometric 2d graphics instead of going for full 3d engine complexity. * Open source code and asset licensing. * Non-profit. The game and all tools will be free of charge for everyone. * Open development philosophy. Public development wiki, forums and HG repository. * Meaningful choices and consequences. Multiple paths to complete quests, including non-violent ways. * Tactical, turnbased combat. * Well-written dialogue. [Less]

    6.33K lines of code

    0 current contributors

    almost 13 years since last commit

    3 users on Open Hub

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      Analyzed 22 days ago

    Bakery is a game, its a first person role playing(where player plays the role of a baker, and sells things to make profit... and plays along the story line. No releases made yet, its still under development.

    5.38K lines of code

    0 current contributors

    over 15 years since last commit

    1 users on Open Hub

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      Analyzed 21 days ago

    Lycanobot is an IRC bot used to play the game, "The Werewolves of Thiercelieux" (Les Loups-Garous de Thiercelieux), which is quite like Mafia, the traditional Russian party game. It aims to do everything a game master has to, including distributing cards, asking things in private, announcing kills, etc.

    10.3K lines of code

    0 current contributors

    over 11 years since last commit

    1 users on Open Hub

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      Analyzed 22 days ago

    wop-CP is a RPG based on the OGRE engine. The project consists of members of the German game community with its main focus on RPG. The game itself will be build as a mod able engine providing a SDK with level and quest editor, scripting engine and so on.

    39.4K lines of code

    0 current contributors

    about 10 years since last commit

    1 users on Open Hub

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