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  Analyzed 11 months ago

Chaste - Cancer Heart And Soft Tissue Environment Chaste is a computational biology simulation package. It provides a cardiac simulation package which provides a way to use CellML electrophysiology models in tissue simulations. The cardiac code is suitable for high performance computing on large ... [More] supercomputers. The cell-based side of the code provides a variety of agent-based models (cellular automata, cell-centre-based (on and off mesh), cell vertex, cellular Potts models) for use in biological settings where cells divide and die according to other models. For details please see the recent overview paper in PLoS Computational Biology www.ploscompbiol.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pcbi.1002970 [Less]

1.42M lines of code

9 current contributors

12 months since last commit

3 users on Open Hub

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BIGGA - Big graph analyzer


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BIGGA (Big graph analyzer) is a small and simple command line program to read, analyze and export graphs in different formats. Atm, all it can do is read and write graphs in basic formats and compute the node degree distribution. I plan to implement various other graph properties. This is more ... [More] of a private project for fun and there is great free software like Gephi which can do a lot more. Anyways, you are free to use the code under the very permissive WTFPL. (Just do what the f* you want to.) [Less]

0 lines of code

0 current contributors

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0 users on Open Hub

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Mostly written in language not available
Licenses: wtfpl_2