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  • unit-testing (146)



      Analyzed 22 days ago

    JUnit is a Java testing framework. Since testing is not closely integrated with development, it prevents you from measuring the progress of development. You can't tell when something starts working or when something stops working. Using JUnit you can cheaply and incrementally build a test suite that ... [More] will help you measure your progress, spot unintended side effects, and focus your development efforts. [Less]

    206K lines of code

    9 current contributors

    about 2 months since last commit

    1,569 users on Open Hub

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    NUnit .Net unit testing framework


      Analyzed 22 days ago

    NUnit is a unit testing framework for all .NET languages on any .NET platform. It was ported from JUnit.

    897K lines of code

    26 current contributors

    2 months since last commit

    613 users on Open Hub

    Moderate Activity
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      Analyzed 22 days ago

    RSpec is a BDD tool and a framework which provides programmers with a Domain Specific Language to describe the behaviour of Ruby code with readable, executable examples that guide you in the design process and serve well as both documentation and tests.

    81.2K lines of code

    47 current contributors

    over 4 years since last commit

    323 users on Open Hub

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      Analyzed 22 days ago

    In the last decade, PHP has developed from a niche language for adding dynamic functionality to small websites to a powerful tool making strong inroads into large-scale Web systems. Critical business logic like this needs to work correctly. But how do you ensure that it does? You test it, of course. ... [More] To make code testing viable, good tool support is needed. This is where PHPUnit comes into play. [Less]

    0 lines of code

    57 current contributors

    0 since last commit

    285 users on Open Hub

    Activity Not Available
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    Mostly written in language not available
    Licenses: BSD-3-Clause



      Analyzed 23 days ago

    Moq (pronounced "Mock-you" or just "Mock") is the only mocking library for .NET developed from scratch to take full advantage of .NET lambda expressions that make it the most productive, type-safe and refactoring-friendly mocking library available. And it supports mocking interfaces as well as ... [More] classes. Its API is extremely simple and straightforward, and doesn't require any prior knowledge or experience with mocking concepts. [Less]

    32.9K lines of code

    16 current contributors

    5 months since last commit

    125 users on Open Hub

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      Analyzed 22 days ago

    Java mocking is dominated by expect-run-verify libraries like EasyMock or jMock. Mockito offers simpler and more intuitive approach: you ask questions about interactions after execution. Using mockito, you can verify what you want. Using expect-run-verify libraries you are often forced to look after irrelevant interactions.

    28.1M lines of code

    0 current contributors

    2 months since last commit

    122 users on Open Hub

    Moderate Activity
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      Analyzed 22 days ago

    PHing Is Not GNU make; it's a project build system based on Apache Ant. You can do anything with it that you could do with a traditional build system like GNU make, and its use of simple XML build files and extensible PHP "task" classes make it an easy-to-use and highly flexible build framework. ... [More] Features include file transformations (e.g. token replacement, XSLT transformation, Smarty template transformations), file system operations, interactive build support, SQL execution, CVS operations, tools for creating PEAR packages, and much more. [Less]

    0 lines of code

    17 current contributors

    0 since last commit

    104 users on Open Hub

    Activity Not Available
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    Mostly written in language not available
    Licenses: lgpl

    Visual Nunit


      Analyzed 2 months ago

    Visual Nunit providers Visual Studio 2008 and 2010 integration for NUnit tests. Project test cases can be viewed in table, filtered, run and debugged. Visual Nunit is implemented as Visual Studio Integration Package.

    7K lines of code

    0 current contributors

    about 14 years since last commit

    86 users on Open Hub

    Activity Not Available
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      Analyzed 22 days ago

    SimpleTest is a unit tester, Web tester, and dynamic mock objects framework for PHP. The test structure is similar to JUnit/PHPUnit. Used as a Web tester, you can navigate sites and submit forms as if you were using a Web browser.

    118K lines of code

    0 current contributors

    over 11 years since last commit

    60 users on Open Hub

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      Analyzed 22 days ago

    DbUnit is a JUnit extension (also usable with Ant) targeted for database-driven projects that, among other things, puts your database into a known state between test runs. This is an excellent way to avoid the myriad of problems that can occur when one test case corrupts the database and causes ... [More] subsequent tests to fail or exacerbate the damage. DbUnit has the ability to export and import your database data to and from XML datasets. Since version 2.0, DbUnit can works with very large dataset when use in streaming mode. DbUnit can also helps you to verify that your database data match expected set of values. [Less]

    110K lines of code

    7 current contributors

    2 months since last commit

    54 users on Open Hub

    Low Activity
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