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  Analyzed 22 days ago

Rake is a Ruby make-like utility using standard Ruby syntax for the build specification file.

10K lines of code

11 current contributors

2 months since last commit

536 users on Open Hub

Low Activity
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Claimed by Eclipse Foundation Analyzed 22 days ago

Hudson is a popular Continuous Integration Server developed by Oracle as an Open Source product at the Eclipse Foundation. Hudson monitors the execution of repeated jobs, such as building a software project and makes it easier for users to obtain a fresh build and inspect the build results.

152K lines of code

0 current contributors

almost 9 years since last commit

355 users on Open Hub

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  Analyzed 5 months ago

Jenkins is a continuous integration server, allowing you to automatically monitor source repositories, build software and run tests. One-click installation and out-of-the-box cluster support make it easy to get started improving your software, or just giving you greater control of your daily task ... [More] automation. With an extensive library of over 1300 plugins, Jenkins can be used to build, test, log, analyse, graph and notify you in a great number of different ways about your jobs. Founded by Kohsuke Kawaguchi while at Sun in 2004, the Hudson project forked in January 2011 to become Jenkins, with Oracle Corporation continuing the development of Hudson, and the bulk of the Hudson community, including Kawaguchi, moving on to work on Jenkins. [Less]

15.2M lines of code

263 current contributors

5 months since last commit

344 users on Open Hub

Activity Not Available
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  Analyzed 23 days ago

Selenium is a test tool for web applications. Selenium tests run directly in a browser, just as real users do. And they run in Internet Explorer, Mozilla and Firefox on Windows, Linux, and Macintosh. No other test tool covers such a wide array of platforms. * Browser compatibility testing. ... [More] Test your application to see if it works correctly on different browsers and operating systems. The same script can run on any Selenium platform. * System functional testing. Create regression tests to verify application functionality and user acceptance. [Less]

655K lines of code

82 current contributors

about 2 months since last commit

179 users on Open Hub

High Activity
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Claimed by Puppet Inc. Analyzed 22 days ago

Puppet lets you centrally manage every important aspect of your system using a cross-platform specification language that manages all the separate elements normally aggregated in different files, like users, cron jobs, and hosts, along with obviously discrete elements like packages, services, and ... [More] files. Puppet's simple declarative specification language provides powerful classing abilities for drawing out the similarities between hosts while allowing them to be as specific as necessary, and it handles dependency and prerequisite relationships between objects clearly and explicitly. [Less]

22.6M lines of code

112 current contributors

about 2 months since last commit

155 users on Open Hub

Very High Activity
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SCons - a Software Construction tool


  Analyzed 22 days ago

SCons is a software construction tool (build tool substitute for Make) implemented in Python. It features a modular build engine that can be embedded in other software. SCons configuration files are Python scripts that call the build engine API. It can scan files to detect dependencies automatically ... [More] and maintain a global view of all dependencies in a build tree, and uses MD5 signatures to detect changed file contents reliably. Timestamps can be used if you prefer. SCons also supports parallel builds and is easily extensible through user-defined builder and scanner objects. [Less]

280K lines of code

24 current contributors

2 months since last commit

120 users on Open Hub

Moderate Activity
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  Analyzed 22 days ago

Ansible is a radically simple configuration management, deployment, and ad-hoc task execution tool. It supports a wide variety of distributions, requires no software installed on managed machines, and users can get going in minutes. Extension modules can be written in any language.

153K lines of code

1,277 current contributors

about 2 months since last commit

113 users on Open Hub

High Activity
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  Analyzed 22 days ago

PHing Is Not GNU make; it's a project build system based on Apache Ant. You can do anything with it that you could do with a traditional build system like GNU make, and its use of simple XML build files and extensible PHP "task" classes make it an easy-to-use and highly flexible build framework. ... [More] Features include file transformations (e.g. token replacement, XSLT transformation, Smarty template transformations), file system operations, interactive build support, SQL execution, CVS operations, tools for creating PEAR packages, and much more. [Less]

0 lines of code

17 current contributors

0 since last commit

104 users on Open Hub

Activity Not Available
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Mostly written in language not available
Licenses: lgpl



  Analyzed 22 days ago

The BuildBot is a system to automate the compile/test cycle required by most software projects to validate code changes. By automatically rebuilding and testing the tree each time something has changed, build problems are pinpointed quickly, before other developers are inconvenienced by the failure. ... [More] The guilty developer can be identified and harassed without human intervention. By running the builds on a variety of platforms, developers who do not have the facilities to test their changes everywhere before checkin will at least know shortly afterwards whether they have broken the build or not. Warning counts, lint checks, image size, compile time, and other build parameters can be tracked over time, are more visible, and are therefore easier to improve. [Less]

195K lines of code

74 current contributors

about 2 months since last commit

93 users on Open Hub

Very High Activity
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  Analyzed 22 days ago

Nexus is a powerful and robust Maven repository manager, created to provide reliable access to artifacts required for development and provisioning. Maven's central repository has always served as a great convenience for users of Maven, but it has always been recommended to maintain your own ... [More] repositories to ensure stability within your organization. Nexus greatly simplifies the maintenance of your own internal repositories and access to external repositories. With Nexus you can completely control access to, and deployment of, every artifact in your organization from a single location. [Less]

-79 lines of code

0 current contributors

about 8 years since last commit

82 users on Open Hub

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