PostGIS is a spatial database extension for PostgreSQL. PostGIS complies with the OpenGIS "Simple Features for SQL" specification, and provides high-performance spatial SQL access to GIS objects in the database.
The JTS Topology Suite is an API of 2D spatial predicates and functions. It has the following design goals:
* JTS conforms to the Simple Features Specification for SQL published by the Open GIS Consortium
* JTS provides a complete, consistent, robust implementation of fundamental 2D spatial
... [More] algorithms
* JTS is fast enough for production use
* JTS is written in 100% pure Java(
* JTS is open source (under the LGPL license) [Less]
OrbisGIS is a Geographic Information System developped for and by research. . This cross-platform GIS is developed by French IRSTV institute and is able to manipulate and create vectorial and raster spatial data. OrbisGIS is distributed under GPL 3 license.
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