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Posted over 11 years ago by [email protected]
I have made ReMooD.org available on the Tor Network via http://mqdveflunplrw4pc.onion, note that this is not fully hidden as some images and many links go outside of the site. However, there are no social media nor any Google ads.
Posted over 11 years ago by [email protected]
I have made ReMooD.org available on the Tor Network via http://mqdveflunplrw4pc.onion, note that this is not fully hidden as some images and many links go outside of the site. However, there are no social media nor any Google ads.
Posted almost 12 years ago by [email protected]
Networking now works and you can play with others. Pretty much most of the work that has been done has been with the core networking code. Note that if you do play with others, it will be a bit laggy. Recommended one uses the command ... [More] line to host servers with -host, and others connect with -connect. It has not been long since my last update, only half a month, so there have not been many changes. Hopefully soon I can create the master server and make the game nicely playable on any connection. Here is a list of things I have done with the code: MIDI on Windows now. Fix remood.wad building on Windows/DOS. Console can now access variables and game variables plainly. Minor menu work. In game chatting, note that macros are not implemented yet. [Less]
Posted almost 12 years ago by [email protected]
I have worked on networking the past month, which means you can currently somewhat play with others. Some things are still missing, such as clients moving, and uploading/downloading WAD files, adding new split screens in game. Along ... [More] with networking save games work, loading and saving. Save games in ReMooD are planned to be perfect, so that when you save the game it is exactly how you left it. Currently the entire state is not saved, but a huge chunk of it is. However, the menus have no changed a bit at all, so most of the game usage is via command line or via console. Bots have been partialy coded, they can partially run around a level to a certain extent. Here is a list of things I have done with the code: The line type functions have been simplified for implementation sake. Save games, partial data is saved. Work on bots and their navigation. Misc. Code Cleanups. Switch to a game mode setup, Coop, DM, CTF, etc. MIDI music can be played on Linux with ALSA. [Less]
Posted almost 12 years ago by [email protected]
I increased the per connection download speed (upload speed for me) on the automatic build system from 16KiB/s to 24KiB/s. I know it is a small increase but I do have a limited upload speed. I also posted on the development news feed, so check that out.
Posted almost 12 years ago by [email protected]
I increased the per connection download speed (upload speed for me) on the automatic build system from 16KiB/s to 24KiB/s. I know it is a small increase but I do have a limited upload speed. I also posted on the development news feed, so check that out.
Posted almost 12 years ago by [email protected]
I have not posted in awhile, but there has been a bunch of work on the code. Some of it minor, most of it is major. You can check out the latest work on the latest builds page. The stuff I really like is the new menu code, it is far ... [More] simpler and more elegant than before, you should also be happy that the original Doom main menu has been restored. That is for WAD compatibility. Another big thing is the good improvement in FPS. Basically the code was sleeping the CPU at the wrong location which would cause an FPS drop when there should not be any. With moving the functions around and optimizing the code path in general, things should run much smoother now. Another thing related to FPS I changed is the FPS monitor (`cvset vid_drawfps true`) in that it is much more accurate and contains better information, the drawn FPS, the number of game tics ran during the last frame, and the amount of time it took to pass one game second. Work has been a bit slow, due to being busy at work, but I hope you enjoy the changes. Here is a list of things I have done with the code: DeHackEd partly works. Only thing and state table modifications are currently handled, more soon to come. Minor work on demos, they are recorded a bit better now. Spectating while playing demos (you can fly around in them). Work on revamping the menu, it is much simpler and much better now. Basic netgame save handling for future usage. IPv6 bug fixes. Code cleanup. Mouse issues with the SDL interface have been fixed, there should be no more jagged movements. Ability to set values for the next game, so you can setup a new game while in a current one (most ports do not allow one to change variables when connected to a server). Profile configuration fixes related to mice and joystick buttons. Increases the max player name length from 21 to 32. Add displace spawning, this is done after cluster spawning. It basically spawns players adjacent to alive players so that they can fit inside of the level in case no spawn spots are available. Much improved joystick grabbing code. The FPS the game maintains and now much more optimized, so a choppy frame rate on decent computers should be a thing of the past. Use a much better method of calculating the frames per second. Implement keycard status flashing for when you press on a door you lack keys for (similar to PSX Doom). [Less]
Posted about 12 years ago by [email protected]
A new device has appeared over the horizon, one which consists of open source software. This new device is called the GCW Zero. It runs Linux as the operating system and is based on the OpenDingux distribution. It utilizes a 1 GHz ... [More] MIPS processor and has 512 MiB of RAM. The display is a 320x240 pixel display sized at 3.5" with composite and HDMI output. It also has other things such as WiFi, vibration motors, an accelerometer, USB OTG, a Microphone. You can play a plethora of games that are available for the device, including ReMooD and a few other source ports (if you were lucky enough to receive a test version of the device, you can play ReMooD by downloading the automatic build of the OPK). You can obtain one by pledging a minimum of 135 USD (20 USD for shipping outside of the US). The following are relevant links: http://www.gcw-zero.com/ http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/gcw/gcw-zero-open-source-gaming-handheld I personally own such device, so I can describe first hand how it operates along with the functionality of it. First, I will tell you that somebody on the GCW Zero team, by the name of zear, was able to give me such a device assist in the porting of ReMooD along with some other things. I was resistant at first, but I decided to accept the offer. The GCW Zero is a fast device, when you first turn it on it will only take about 2-3 seconds until you see the main menu. The menu system is powered by gmenu2x which allows you to launch other programs and modify settings as you see fit. The user interface is nicely simplistic and simple to navigate, it also responds fast to user input. At the top of the interface are categories for programs such as games, emulators, settings, etc. then below that are the actual programs you have available. The games that I have tested on it run very nicely with no perceived slow down or any frame loss. The sound which comes from the speakers is of good quality, however the emitted sounds are more on the treble side of the clef, so as such it sounds like most portable game systems (that is until you ploug in head phones). You can adjust the back light behind the screen from being bright (where it can light a dark room) to being dark (so you do not go blind). There is also a joystick under the directional pad, this type of joystick is of the sliding type rather than a stick on a rotational axis. There also exist two MicroSD slots, one external and one internal, for storage of files. The internal card stores the kernel and standard files such as games, and the external card can store games. There is also USB OTG support (which currently is not functional). There is only one minor part of the device which I dislike, and that would be the LCD coating. The coating is matte, of which I prefer glossy. None the less, that is another war to fight some other time. Some parts of the hardware are not currently supported but that is a non-issue since the device is open source. A major win is the support for open source software. There are no crippling blows where you have to jump through hoops just to do anything (except for a build root if you do not use pre-built ones). You also have much more freedom to modify the software on the device. If you do not like the kernel, then you can build one yourself and use that. You can mess around with all the files wreaking havoc on the internals, after all you can do anything when you are root. The GPU is however, under an NDA I believe, but there is someone unrelated to the project working on their own project for their own device working on reversing the GPU without the documents similar to Noveau (which would be speedy Gallium3D graphics). Additionally, the device boots from the internal SD card with whatever is on there. This means that if your card dies, you just replace the card with a reflashed new one and you are ready to continue on. All in all, the device is well engineered with much thought put into it. So I recommend that you consider this system if you enjoy playing certain games, you will enjoy it. [Less]
Posted about 12 years ago by [email protected]
A new device has appeared over the horizon, one which consists of open source software. This new device is called the GCW Zero. It runs Linux as the operating system and is based on the OpenDingux distribution. It utilizes a 1 ... [More] GHz MIPS processor and has 512 MiB of RAM. The display is a 320x240 pixel display sized at 3.5" with composite and HDMI output. It also has other things such as WiFi, vibration motors, an accelerometer, USB OTG, a Microphone. You can play a plethora of games that are available for the device, including ReMooD and a few other source ports (if you were lucky enough to receive a test version of the device, you can play ReMooD by downloading the automatic build of the OPK). You can obtain one by pledging a minimum of 135 USD (20 USD for shipping outside of the US). The following are relevant links: http://www.gcw-zero.com/ http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/gcw/gcw-zero-open-source-gaming-handheld I personally own such device, so I can describe first hand how it operates along with the functionality of it. First, I will tell you that somebody on the GCW Zero team, by the name of zear, was able to give me such a device assist in the porting of ReMooD along with some other things. I was resistant at first, but I decided to accept the offer. The GCW Zero is a fast device, when you first turn it on it will only take about 2-3 seconds until you see the main menu. The menu system is powered by gmenu2x which allows you to launch other programs and modify settings as you see fit. The user interface is nicely simplistic and simple to navigate, it also responds fast to user input. At the top of the interface are categories for programs such as games, emulators, settings, etc. then below that are the actual programs you have available. The games that I have tested on it run very nicely with no perceived slow down or any frame loss. The sound which comes from the speakers is of good quality, however the emitted sounds are more on the treble side of the clef, so as such it sounds like most portable game systems (that is until you ploug in head phones). You can adjust the back light behind the screen from being bright (where it can light a dark room) to being dark (so you do not go blind). There is also a joystick under the directional pad, this type of joystick is of the sliding type rather than a stick on a rotational axis. There also exist two MicroSD slots, one external and one internal, for storage of files. The internal card stores the kernel and standard files such as games, and the external card can store games. There is also USB OTG support (which currently is not functional). There is only one minor part of the device which I dislike, and that would be the LCD coating. The coating is matte, of which I prefer glossy. None the less, that is another war to fight some other time. Some parts of the hardware are not currently supported but that is a non-issue since the device is open source. A major win is the support for open source software. There are no crippling blows where you have to jump through hoops just to do anything (except for a build root if you do not use pre-built ones). You also have much more freedom to modify the software on the device. If you do not like the kernel, then you can build one yourself and use that. You can mess around with all the files wreaking havoc on the internals, after all you can do anything when you are root. The GPU is however, under an NDA I believe, but there is someone unrelated to the project working on their own project for their own device working on reversing the GPU without the documents similar to Noveau (which would be speedy Gallium3D graphics). Additionally, the device boots from the internal SD card with whatever is on there. This means that if your card dies, you just replace the card with a reflashed new one and you are ready to continue on. All in all, the device is well engineered with much thought put into it. So I recommend that you consider this system if you enjoy playing certain games, you will enjoy it. [Less]
Posted about 12 years ago by [email protected]
Small update. If you do not know what Chocorenderlimits is, it is a small (hacky) modification of Chocolate Doom to assist map developers in creating vanilla maps so that they can bend those limits to the extreme. This update adds arch-vile ... [More] like jumping attached to the V key. There is also a rename in the configuration file name (do not worry, your old settings will still be read) so that avid Chocolate Doomers do not trash their fancy 1.7.0 and 2.0.0 configs running Chocorenderlimits. THIS WAS BUILT WITH MINGW-W64 IN WIN64 MODE (WHICH MEANS IT USES TLS (THREAD LOCAL STORAGE) STARTUP CODE) WHICH MEANS IT MOST LIKELY WILL NOT WORK ON WINDOWS 98 (BUT IT MAY WORK WITH KERNELEX AND IF YOU STILL RUN 98 YOU SHOULD USE KERNELEX LIKE MYSELF ON MY 98 SYSTEM). You can get it at Chocorenderlimits. [Less]