VirtualPol es una Red Social Democrática, donde los usuarios se auto-gestionan a sí mismos. Hasta ahora el único método de administrar una comunidad en Internet era mediante una estructura rígida y autoritaria.
VirtualPol es una revolución, con la Democracia como pilar fundamental. Las
... [More] Elecciones están automatizadas, por lo tanto no existe ningún usuario privilegiado. No hay intervención de admin. Esto es un avance histórico en las comunidades de Internet. Todos los ciudadanos están en absoluta igualdad. Con las mismas oportunidades para el liderazgo o el fracaso en la búsqueda del Poder y la auto-gestión.
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ISPMan is a distributed system to manage components of ISP from a central management interface.
These components run accross frontend and backend servers.
Front end servers are the machines that are directly visible to your internet users. For example your web (eg. Apache), SMTP
... [More] (eg. Postfix), DNS (eg. Bind) servers while backend servers can be Mailbox servers (eg. Cyrus IMAP server), Fileservers, database servers etc.
ISPMan is designed to be scalable.
You may start with a single server to manage user's mailboxes and add more as you grow. ISPMan can manage this and allow you to create user's accounts and mailboxes on different servers. This does not affect the user at all but allows the system administrator to balance the load of mails on different machines. [Less]
Desktop Manager (formerly known as WorkspaceManager) is an easy-to-use virtual desktop manager for Mac OS. It supports several types of transitional effects when switching between desktops, which can be done via hotkeys, screen edges (using the mouse), or an application in the Dock. A pager is
... [More] available for both the desktop and the status bar. [Less]
Aciqra (uh-SEE-kruh) is a free and open source virtual planetarium and sky mapping program which tracks celestial bodies including planets, deep sky objects and stars to an accuracy of a fraction of a degree for thousands of years into both the future and the past.
Proxy Cache
Transparent Mode
Active Directory/LDAP Connection
Web filtering
Advanced ACLS
Reverse Proxy
Mail Appliances
Multiple SMTP instances
Push Mail
Shared Calendar
NAS Appliance
File Sharing
Can Act as PDC
Active Directory/LDAP connection
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