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  Analyzed 22 days ago

Celestia is an OpenGL-based 3D space simulation for Unix and Win32 that lets you travel through the solar system, to the stars, and even beyond the galaxy. Visit over 100,000 stars, 100 solar system bodies, and all known extrasolar planets.

147K lines of code

2 current contributors

2 months since last commit

64 users on Open Hub

Moderate Activity
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  Analyzed 2 months ago

Aciqra (uh-SEE-kruh) is a free and open source virtual planetarium and sky mapping program which tracks celestial bodies including planets, deep sky objects and stars to an accuracy of a fraction of a degree for thousands of years into both the future and the past.

362 lines of code

0 current contributors

over 11 years since last commit

2 users on Open Hub

Activity Not Available
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  Analyzed 22 days ago

SDLRoids is essentially an Asteroids clone, but with a few extra features, and some nice game physics. It is based of xhyperoid, which is a UNIX port of the 16-bit Windows game Hyperoid. Major changes from xhyperoid are that it's using SDL for sound and graphics, has a couple of extra powerups and and that the shield behaves differently.

6.43K lines of code

0 current contributors

over 15 years since last commit

1 users on Open Hub

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  Analyzed 22 days ago

kepler is a library of C routines for astronomical calculations. It features the following: * The entire VSOP87 theory for calculating the positions of the eight planets. * The entire ELP 2000-82B theory for calculating the position of the Moon. * An analytical theory for calculating Pluto's ... [More] position for the period 1700AD-2100AD. * The ability to convert osculating orbital elements to heliocentric coordinates. * The latest IAU 2006 precession and IAU 2000A nutation models. * Routines for calculating sidereal time using the current IAU resolutions. * An implementation of the Ron/Vondrak theory of annual aberration. * Routines for Julian date calculations. * Routines for coordinate transformations, rotations and parallax corrections. [Less]

83.8K lines of code

1 current contributors

almost 6 years since last commit

0 users on Open Hub

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