Foafpress is an open-source PHP web application and presentation engine for RDF data stored in files, e.g. your FOAF profile. It allows you to aggregate and publish data from multiple web sources via Linked Data.
dotNetRDF is a API for RDF written in C# 3 under .Net Framework 3.5 and higher
It allows for reading/writing of RDF in all common formats, querying over RDF data in various ways and supports a variety of different mainstream Triple stores. It also includes a SPARQL 1.1 query and update engine.
... [More]
For persistent storage it supports AllegroGraph, 4store, Fuseki, Sesame, Stardog and Virtuoso [Less]
EasyRdfEasyRdf is a library designed to make it easy to consume and produce RDF. It was designed for use in mixed teams of experienced and inexperienced RDF developers. It is written in Object Oriented PHP.
During parsing EasyRdf builds up a graph of PHP objects that can then be walked around to
... [More] get the data to be placed on the page.
Data is typically loaded into a EasyRdf_Graph object from source RDF documents. The source document could either be an RDF file on the web or the output of a Construct or Describe SPARQL query from a triplestore.
RequirementsPHP 5.2.0 Example$foaf = new EasyRdf_Graph("");
$me = $foaf->primaryTopic();
echo "My name is: ".$me->get('foaf:name')."\n";FeaturesAPI documentation written in phpdoc Unit tests written using phpunit Choice of RDF parser: Built-in: RDF/JSON, N-Triples ARC2: RDF/XML, Turtle, RSS, microformats, eRDF, RDFa, ... Redland Bindings: RDF/XML, N-Triples, Turtle, TriG, RSS Tag Soup, ... rapper: RDF/XML, N-Triples, Turtle, TriG, RSS Tag Soup, ... Choice of RDF serialiser: Built-in: RDF/JSON, N-Triples ARC2: RDF/JSON, RDF/XML, N-Triples, Turtle, POSHRDF rapper: RDF/JSON, N-Triples, RDF/XML, Turtle, RSS, Atom, Dot, ... Optional support for Zend_Http_Client No required external dependancies upon other libraries (PEAR, Zend, etc...) Complies with Zend Framework coding style. Type mapper - resources of type foaf:Person can be mapped into PHP object of class Foaf_Person Comes with a number of examples More Examples
artistinfo.php - Example of mapping an RDF type to a PHP Class basic.php - Basic "Hello World" type example dump.php - Display the contents of a graph easyspec.php - Format an RDF Vocabulary foafinfo.php - Display the information in a FOAF file foafmaker.php - Construct a FOAF document with a choice of serialisations httpget.php - No RDF, just test EasyRdf_Http_Client review_extract.php - Extract a review from a page containing Google Review RDFa [Less]
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