Planet is an awesome 'river of news' feed reader. It downloads news feeds published by web sites and aggregates their content together into a single combined feed, latest news first.
It uses Mark Pilgrim's Universal Feed Parser to read from RDF, RSS and Atom feeds; and Tomas Styblo's templating
... [More] engine to output static files in any format you can dream up. [Less]
Foafpress is an open-source PHP web application and presentation engine for RDF data stored in files, e.g. your FOAF profile. It allows you to aggregate and publish data from multiple web sources via Linked Data.
listparser is a Python library that parses subscription lists (also called reading lists) and returns all of the feeds and subscription lists that it finds. It supports OPML, RDF+FOAF, and the iGoogle exported settings format.
RDFSharp.Semantics is the RDFSharp extension for creating, validating and reasoning with OWL-DL ontologies. It also implements built-in support for most common Linked data ontologies (DC, FOAF, GEO, SKOS, SIOC)
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