Shimmie is a Danbooru-style image board, but designed to be considerably easier to install and run. In particular, it's based on the standard LAMP stack that nearly all shared web hosts provide.
Instant Picture Creator is a wrapper to produce images on demand for Web sites. It has filter management, and it's possible to add new filters. It can cache filtered images, works independently (no backend is needed), and is easy to integrate with existing Web sites.
It includes two basic filters
... [More] for resizing images and manipulating colour palettes.
Currently it supports PNG, GIF, and JPEG. [Less]
Tuttle OFX is a library to connect and batch operations with OpenFx plugins. It comes with a set of plugins that allows you to batch process on movies and file sequences.
isk-daemon is an open source standalone server or library capable of adding content-based (visual) image searching to any image related website or software. Also known as "imgSeek - Intelligent image database"
Teem is a coordinated set of ANSI C libraries for manipulation, measurement, and visualization of structured scientific data. Includes N-dimensional image I/O and processing, volume rendering, diffusion tensor processing, ray tracing, PostScript rendering, and more. Teem includes command-line tools
... [More] that permit the library functions to be quickly applied to files and streams, without having to write any code. [Less]
A simple application for resizing images,inspired by GTPY - ImageResizer (
But I used C++/QT and QImage class to convert the images.
SIR - Simple Image Resizer can convert into and from the following formats:
... [More]
SIR also can rotate your images. [Less]
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