ActionBarSherlock is an extension of the compatibility library designed to facilitate the use of the action bar design pattern across all versions of Android leveraging the best API available.
The library will automatically use the native ActionBar implementation on Android 3.0 or later. For
... [More] previous versions which do not include an ActionBar, a custom action bar implementation will automatically be wrapped around the layout. Support for this goes all the way back to Android 1.6. [Less]
Tuttle OFX is a library to connect and batch operations with OpenFx plugins. It comes with a set of plugins that allows you to batch process on movies and file sequences.
Everything is content management (WCMS/Wiki, DMS, CRM, ECM, ERP, PIM/E-Mail, DRM, ...) and Yanel is a humble attempt to provide a solution for all your content management needs by offering an Open Source service oriented Content Management Framework written in Java.
The Linux-Hardware-Guide provides a data base of hardware and investigates the Linux compatibility of the equipment.
Corresponding wordpress plugins, hardware recognition scripts and themes are developed as open source.
Browser JavaScript is a feature that allows Opera to automatically fix incompatible Web pages, out of date scripts, and pages that inadvertently block Opera. The script file is automatically distributed by Opera Software ASA, and can be used to apply fixes to specific Web sites, and specific scripts.
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