QGit is a graphical interface to git repositories, built on Qt/C++.
With qgit you will be able to browse revisions history, view patch content and changed files, graphically following different development branches.
This project is for homebrew console development tools based on the gnu compiler collection with additional tools and libraries to aid programming each supported console. The windows variants are be MinGW based.
Monkey Studio (MkS) is a cross platform IDE written in C++/Qt 4.
It's primary goal was to be a Qt 4 only IDE, but it evoluate a way to support Qt development and any kind of project.
See the About page or Features page for more informations.
Finally, you can meet team's members here.
*keeping private data out of source control and applying DRY principles for resource information since 2009*
YamJam is a multi-project, shared, yaml based configuration system. It is also a mechanism to keep secret/private data from leaking out to source control systems (i.e. git, bitbucket, svn
... [More], et al) by factoring out sensitive data from your commits.
* Factor out sensitive data from your Django settings.py file
* Makes install by source control easy by allowing different configs on your dev, staging and production machines
* Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) Resource configuration
Tested on Python 2.7, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4
.. image:: https://drone.io/bitbucket.org/dundeemt/yamjam/status.png
:target: https://drone.io/bitbucket.org/dundeemt/yamjam/latest
:alt: Build Status [Less]
libdvdnav is a library for developers of multimedia applications. It allows easy use of sophisticated DVD navigation features such as DVD menus, multiangle playback and even interactive DVD games. All this functionality is provided through a simple API which provides the DVD playback as a single
... [More] logical stream of blocks, intermitted by special dvdnav events to report certain conditions. The main usage of libdvdnav is a loop regularly calling a function to get the next block, surrounded by additional calls to tell the library of user interaction. The whole DVD virtual machine and internal playback states are completely encapsulated. [Less]
aiorOS is an educational purpose Operating System project based on IA386. aiorOS kernel provides support for: system calls, multitasking, paging (each process has 4GB space area). Supports binary programs to run as process. Osdev, kernel,Salvatore Ie
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