Contributes to GIMP
Contributes to Pidgin IM (ex-Gaim)
Contributes to Wine
and 314 other projectsContributes to Apache OpenOffice
Contributes to Linux NTFS file system support
Contributes to Git
and 200 other projectsContributes to Mozilla Firefox
Contributes to Liferea
Contributes to IceWM
and 142 other projectsContributes to Mozilla Firefox as Caolan McNamara
Contributes to Apache OpenOffice
Contributes to Wine as Caolan McNamara
and 66 other projectsContributes to Mozilla Firefox
Contributes to GStreamer
Contributes to GNOME
and 52 other projectsContributes to GIMP
Contributes to Anjuta DevStudio
Contributes to GNOME
and 199 other projectsContributes to Mozilla Firefox
Contributes to GIMP
Contributes to Dia
and 11 other projectsContributes to Mozilla Firefox
Contributes to GStreamer
Contributes to GNOME
and 12 other projectsContributes to Mozilla Firefox
Contributes to GNOME
Contributes to Fedora Packages
and 13 other projectsContributes to Mozilla Firefox
Contributes to GNOME
Contributes to GTK
and 44 other projects