Bitcoin is a decentralized P2P electronic cash system without a central server or trusted parties. Users hold the crypto keys to their own money and transact directly with each other, with the help of the network to check for double-spending.
MultiBit is a secure, lightweight, international Bitcoin wallet for Windows, MacOS and Linux
MultiBit makes performing Bitcoin transactions quick and simple
MultiBit comes in a variety of languages because Bitcoin is without borders
MultiBit is free and open source
What is Gridcoin?
Gridcoin is a new peer-to-peer internet based cryptocurrency that aims to provide real benefits to humanity by compensating the coin miners for participating in BOINC projects that may lead to advances in medicine, biology, mathematics, science, climatology, and astrophysics by
... [More] concentrating a large percentage of the computational power towards BOINC research - instead of generating unnecessary heat and wasted power for the proof of work algorithms required to keep the coin network running. [Less]
Litecoin is a peer-to-peer Internet currency that enables instant payments to anyone in the world. It differs from its parent Bitcoin in that can be efficiently mined with consumer-grade hardware. Litecoin provides faster confirmations (targeted at every 2.5 minutes on average) and uses memory-hard
... [More], scrypt-based mining to target the CPUs and GPUs most people already have. The Litecoin network is scheduled to produce four times as many currency units as Bitcoin.
One of the aims of Litecoin was to provide a mining algorithm that could run at the same time, on the same hardware used to mine bitcoins. With the rise of specialized ASICs for Bitcoin, Litecoin continues to satisfy these goals. It is unlikely for FPGA or ASIC mining to take over Litecoin until the currency is widely used. [Less]
uCoin is a free server-side software allowing to create new P2P crypto-currencies based on individuals and Universal Dividend.
It is mainly inspired from OpenUDC ( project for that purpose, but differs defining its own open currency protocol called UCP (UCoin Protocol).
Cclite is social credit and alternative currency accounting tool for LETS (local exchange trading systems) and other alternative currency management.
It is multi-currency and a single installation can contain many trading groups (registries). One registry is contained in a single MySQL database.
... [More]
Groups can trade if they share a common currency. The mechanism for this is SOAP and REST.
There is a simple yellow pages system for offers and wants. There are also SMS, batch interfaces for data and RSS generation for ad feeds. [Less]
OpenUDC means Open Universal Dividend Currency. In other words, it is an open protocol for creating and exchanging currencies.
It aims to be secure, reliable and to solve some debt, crisis or globalization issues.
It notably permits to apply Universal monetary Dividend to the individuals that
... [More] accept to use the currency.
It is based upon the OpenPGP protocol (RFC4880 :
About Universal monetary Dividend, please read the Theory of Money Relativity ( from Stephane Laborde (in french) or at least other studies about Social Credit ( [Less]
django-currencies allows you to define different currencies, and includes template tags/filters to allow easy conversion between them.
Once you have everything set up (read the included INSTALL.txt and docs/overview.rst), you will be able to use the following code in your templates
... [More] change_currency [price] [currency_code] %}i.e:
{% change_currency product.price "USD" %}
# or if we have the currencies.context_processors.currencies
# available:
{% change_currency product.price CURRENCY.code %}or use the filter:
{{ [price]|currency:[currency] }}i.e.:
{{ product.price|currency:"USD" }}or set the CURRENCY context variable with a POST to the included view:
{% url currencies_set_currency [currency] %} [Less]
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