MOAB is a component for representing and evaluating mesh data. MOAB can store structured and unstructured mesh, consisting of elements in the finite element “zoo”. The functional interface to MOAB is simple yet powerful, allowing the representation of many types of metadata commonly found on the
... [More] mesh. MOAB is optimized for efficiency in space and time, based on access to mesh in chunks rather than through individual entities, while also versatile enough to support individual entity access.
MOAB implements the ITAPS iMesh interface; iMesh is a common interface to mesh data implemented by several different packages, including MOAB. Various tools like smoothing, adaptive mesh refinement, and parallel mesh communication are implemented on top of iMesh. [Less]
TRiDaS is a universal data exchange standard for the dendrochronology community. The project incorporates three distinct products: TRiDaS XML Schema (the actual data standard); TRiDaSJLib (JaXB generated version of the standard for use in Java programs); DendroIOLib (Java library for converting
... [More] between most dendro data formats)
The project is funded by Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (NWO) through the Digital Collaboratory for Cultural Dendrochronology in The Low Countries’ (DCCD) project. See links below and the TRiDaS website for further information. [Less]
Uxarray aims to address the geoscience community need for tools that enable standard data analysis techniques to operate directly on unstructured grid data. Uxarray will provide Xarray styled functions to better read in and use unstructured grid datasets that follow standard conventions, including
... [More] UGRID, SCRIP, Exodus and shapefile formats. [Less]
The Community Data Management System is an object-oriented data management system, specialized for organizing multidimensional, gridded data used in climate analysis and simulation.
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