PBMaster is a software implementation of Profibus. The objective is to spread the use of the standard also in low-cost applications by using common hardware and open-source software. Please visit http://www.pbmaster.org for more information.
SW for controlling of chromatographic devices and subsequent evaluation of the acquired data. Integrated instrument control uses uLAN protocol. There are AD converters (i.e. ULAD31 analog to uLan and USB converter) and SW plugins for others.
OrtCAN is set of CAN and CANopen related software components, including LinCAN - Linux character device CAN driver, VCA - versatile/virtual CAN/CANopen API compatible, a firmware base for USB/CAN converter and a local and remote monitoring software.
The project is offshot of original CTU CAN
... [More] related stuff developed in frame of European OCERA project. [Less]
PEDA is electronic design automation software for schematic and PCB design with unique tools selection stack for manual routing and unified PCB and schematic database developed in Qt4 library.
Open-source CAN with Flexible Data-rate IP Core implemented in VHDL and associated SocketCAN Linux kernel driver. Project has been started at Czech Technical University in Prague.
The core Integration with Zynq-7000 system: https://gitlab.fel.cvut.cz/canbus/zynq/zynq-can-sja1000-top
... [More]
Integration with Intel EP4CGX15 based DB4CGX15 PCIe board: https://gitlab.fel.cvut.cz/canbus/pcie-ctu_can_fd [Less]
Portable, highly eXtendable Motion Control library developed at PiKRON company. It is used in many generations of motion control systems from MPS430, H8S to Cortex-M and Cortex-A based systems,LMC1, LX_RoCoN, Zynq, Beagle Bone etc.
The library is used in laboratory instruments and motion/robotic
... [More] controllers products
http://pikron.com/pages/products/motion_control.html [Less]
Small User Interface Toolkit (SuiTk)
The toolkit implements its own widget-set and allows build on fly user screens from hierarchic description stored in XML files and objects found in the application namespace. The user actions inside one screen can be handled by states and transitions
... [More] description stored in a behavior scenarios included in the screen set definition without complex XML reparsing. Transition to other screens invokes parsing of new XML's after cleaning local namespace references.
The library uses device independent GDI layer of the MicroWindows/Nano-X which allows it easy porting/build for Linux X11, Linux framebuffer a RTEMS framebuffer. [Less]
LX_RoCoN - Motion and Robotic Controller
The LX_RoCoN is complete 4 axes motion/robotic control system for DC, three-phase BLDC/PMSM and two-phase/stepper motors up to 100 Watts. It can be extended by addon top level board to provide application specific hardware and interfaces. One option is an
... [More] extension board providing four more IRC sensors interfaces. Up to 8 DC motor axes can be controlled in that setup. [Less]
Matlab/MARS robotic control toolbox
For example of use with BOSCH SCARA robot see demo https://youtu.be/INk6yFVDUGg
PiKRON MARS 8 and BigBot controllers are supported for now (http://pikron.com/pages/products/motion_control.html)
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