Settings  : Account Edit History

The Ohloh Hamster undid this on Jun 29, 2017

8246308 - Enlisted in git:// - Undone

by Félix Saparelli Feb 22, 2011

The Ohloh Hamster undid this on Jan 10, 2013

4976048 - Added license DELETED-GNU General Public License v2 or later - Undone

by Félix Saparelli Sep 16, 2009

9227618 - Changed list of files to be ignored

by Félix Saparelli May 17, 2011

8246306 - Changed description to Userscript Displays full...

by Félix Saparelli Feb 22, 2011

No earlier value.

8246305 - Changed vanity_url to Manga-ChapterReader

by Félix Saparelli Feb 22, 2011

No earlier value.

8246302 - Changed name to Manga ChapterReader

by Félix Saparelli Feb 22, 2011

8246301 - Created Project[488278]

by Félix Saparelli Feb 22, 2011

8246300 - Added license MIT License

by Félix Saparelli Feb 22, 2011

No earlier value.

4976055 - Changed vanity_url to fsc-cms

by Félix Saparelli Sep 16, 2009

4976054 - Changed description to [nothing]

by Félix Saparelli Sep 16, 2009

Edit History

  • All edits made by you on Open Hub, including project and organization settings and data changes are rolled up in a running list, so you can see each change in sequential order.
  • You have the option to undo any of the settings and changes you've made to the site, if you have necessary permissions. For projects, you will have permission if a project is not locked so only managers may change settings, or if you are a manager of a locked project. For organizations, you will have permission if you are a manager of the organization.
  • To undo a change, click the "Undo" button next to that change. This reverts the settings effected by that change to their previous state. The edit will stay in the list, with an indication of who and when it was undone and a "Redo" button, should you decide to change back to the updated state.