Affiliated with AmanziTel
Launched Neo4j Spatial, integrated initial contributions, initiated and mentored GSoC 2010 for full-GIS stack on Neo4j using Geotools and uDig
... [More], supported OSM data and Dynamic Layers queries for extracting virtual layers from integrated models (like OSM). [Less]
Affiliated with AmanziTel
Created the Ruby gem for a wide range of data investigation and verification work in support of the main data management server development being done by AmanziTel.
Affiliated with AmanziTel
Wrote a simple Ruby wrapper to expose some of the neo4j-spatial capabilities within the Ruby environment. This uses the Neo4j.rb gem and so, in
... [More] theory, should be usable within Rails apps. [Less]
Affiliated with AmanziTel
Envisaged and designed the original platform. Wrote the original prototypes. Assembled and managed the distributed development team that produced the first releases.
about 1 year
based on code collected
about 1 year
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