Managed Projects


  Analyzed 24 days ago

phpSweetPDO is a php PDO wrapper, which is: Extremly simple to use Phar package to ease deployment. You just need one 9Kb file to work with library (compressed phar) Compact (like 400 lines of commented code which you may compress even further) Optionally supports events, that allow easy profiling and debugging

687 lines of code

0 current contributors

over 9 years since last commit

1 users on Open Hub

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  Analyzed 24 days ago

jRapidRPC is a Java RPC library that allows you to create client-server applications, that talk in objects. jRapidRPC is: Small. The source code for jRapidRPC is very small. You can learn it very fast Fast. jRapidRPC is fast due to its compact size and no complexity. Also by default ... [More] it uses ProtoStuff serializer, which is one of the fastest in Java world. Extensible. jRapidRPC allows you to extend itself. You can write new client-server or new serializer and it will be nicely integrated into the ecosystem. [Less]

1K lines of code

0 current contributors

over 13 years since last commit

1 users on Open Hub

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