sqlcmd is a Python-based SQL command line tool, similar in concept to tools like Oracle's SQL*Plus, the PostgreSQL psql command, and MySQL's mysql tool.
BLAX! is a state-of-the-art Java-Swing application for optimized POS-Management and inventory management.Its keyboard-based control is optimized for high performance and all the GUI-Elements are designed for clarity instead of "colorful clickyness".
SuperF4 kills the foreground program when you press Ctrl+Alt+F4. This is different from when you press Alt+F4. Alt+F4 only asks the foreground program to exit, allowing it to decide for itself what to do. Read more...
You can also kill a process by pressing Win+F4 and then clicking the window
... [More] with your mouse. You can press escape or the right mouse button to exit this mode without killing a program.
SuperF4 should be able to kill all kinds of processes, whether they are hung or not. Beware though, killing a program does not give it a chance to save unsaved work. If you accidentally kill explorer.exe, you can start it again by opening Task Manager (Ctrl+Shift+Esc).
Program made by Stefan Sundin. [Less]
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