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Claimed by The MirOS Project Analyzed about 1 year ago

MirKarte is a KISS approach at implementing a map using Leaflet, working on older and newer browsers, with lots of extra features (such as client-side GPX import even from ZIP files) on newer browsers. MirKarte is an independent map of, for example, geocaches (it started as external map for the ... [More] TerraCaching 1.0 site). There is a CGI (which only creates one dynamic line) for xkcd GeoHashing, too. MirKarte is highly embeddable due to the simple concept, and can work purely client-side (only static content). [Less]

45.2K lines of code

1 current contributors

about 1 year since last commit

1 users on Open Hub

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Licenses: bsd_2clau..., BSD-3-Clause, MirOS