Linphone is an open source Voice Over IP phone (or SIP phone) that makes possible to communicate freely with people over the internet, with voice, video, and text instant messaging.
Jami (formerly Ring) is a robust, standards-compliant enterprise softphone, for desktop and embedded systems. It is designed to handle several hundred calls a day. Ring is available under the GNU GPL license, version 3.
Libnice is an implementation of the IETF's Interactive Connectivity Establishment (ICE) standard (RFC 5245) and the Session Traversal Utilities for NAT (STUN) standard (RFC 5389).
It provides a GLib-based library, libnice and a GLib-free library, libstun as well as GStreamer elements.
ICE is
... [More] useful for applications that want to establish peer-to-peer UDP data streams. It automates the process of traversing NATs and provides security against some attacks. It also allows applications to create reliable streams using a TCP over UDP layer. [Less]
LibSourcey is a collection of open source C++ modules and protocol implementations for rapid development of network streaming and real-time media applications.
Libre is a portable and generic library for real-time communications with async IO support and a complete SIP stack with support for SDP, RTP/RTCP, STUN/TURN/ICE, BFCP and DNS Client.
SIP Stack (RFC 3261)
HTTP-stack with
... [More] client/server
Async I/O (poll, epoll, select)
UDP/TCP/TLS/DTLS transport [Less]
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