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Para enfrentar tudo isso, o jogador contará com 04 naves estrelares, onde cada uma está melhor adaptada para as diversas zonas, além de contar com um arsenal de phaser ilimitados e de alguns poucos torpedos. Para sua defesa deverá contar com sua habilidade, a velocidade dos motores de warp, além da ... [More] força dos escudos. O jogo possui 07 fases, onde o jogador terá que enfrentar campos de asteróides, naves inimigas de várias raças, minas espaciais, e diversos outros desafios. Sua missão é destruir a ameaça cibernética, evitando assim que a extinção da raça humana. [Less]

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1 users on Open Hub

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Licenses: gpl

Javascript Super Star Trek


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This is a Javascript port of the classic 1970s Super Star Trek game, one of a number of (mostly) related trek-themed games from that era. Step into the flared trousers of James T Kirk and command the Enterprise across a galaxy of 8x8 quadrants to repel an invasion of evil Klingon battlecruisers. ... [More] This version is specifically a direct port of Chris Nystrom's C port (v1.1) of the BASIC version from David Ahl's "BASIC Computer Games" of 1978. It's probably the most famous version of all, and the Javascript version is lovingly faithful, making no gameplay changes at all (apart from a few options). There's more history than that actually, but I think that's enough for now. See project web page if you want archeological-level detail. [Less]

0 lines of code

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0 users on Open Hub

Activity Not Available
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Mostly written in language not available
Licenses: gpl3