JQuantLib is a free, open-source, comprehensive framework for quantitative finance, written in 100% Java. It provides "quants" and Java application developers several mathematical and statistical tools needed for the valuation of shares, options, futures, swaps, and other financial instruments, also
... [More] providing tools related to risk management and money management.
JQuantLib is based on QuantLib, which is written in C++, aiming to be a complete rewrite of QuantLib, offering features Java developers expect to find. JQuantLib aims to be fast, correct, strongly typed, well-documented, and user-friendly. [Less]
FIX4NET is a .NET Financial Information eXchange (FIX) protocol library. It includes a TCP/IP engine, messages built for FIX version(4.0/4.2/4.4), and flat file message database. With this library you should have little difficulty establishing FIX connections in .NET.
A fresh approach to FIX (see www.fixprotocol.org). Statically compile your FIX xml schema and quickly build your FIX application on top. With low latency performance in mind, this framework is designed to streamline the development of custom FIX interfaces. Using one of the standard FIX schemas you
... [More] can have a FIX client or server up and running very quickly. If you need to add customised messages or fields, simply update the schema and recompile.
Fix8 is a complete framework with a compiler and run-time library. Includes client/server session and connection classes; support for the standard FIX field types; FIX printer, async logger and async message persister. Fix8 offers run-time custom fields and message recycling. Incorporates lock free queues, atomics and many other modern techniques [Less]
A convenient and powerful decoder for FIX messages that's completely browser based and parses a wide range of message representations.
All processing is done locally in your browser, so no one can snoop on your messages.
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