This project is for programmers needing a working SSH implementation by the mean of a library. The complete control of the client is made by the programmer. With libssh, you can remotely execute programs, transfer files, use a secure and transparent tunnel for your remote programs. With its Secure
... [More] FTP implementation, you can play with remote files easily, without third-party programs others than libcrypto (from openssl). [Less]
Dropbear is a relatively small SSH 2 server and client. It runs on a variety of POSIX-based platforms. Dropbear is open source software, distributed under a MIT-style license. Dropbear is particularly useful for "embedded"-type Linux (or other Unix) systems, such as wireless routers.
Blink is the first professional, desktop-grade terminal for iOS that leverages the support of Mosh and SSH. Thus, we can unequivocally guarantee stable connections, lightning-fast speeds, and full configurations. It can and should be your all-day-long tool.
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