Class Ghost is a small utility that can redefine class files within a running JVM. Class Ghost allows you to directly inject the newly compiled class files in to the JVM without interrupting the running application. Works with multiple as well as remote JVMs.
Class ghost allows you to re define
... [More] or inject re-compiled and changed code in to a JVM without restarting it. This can help boost productivity when working with any sort of Java application, including web servers, servlet containers and application servers.
The application client is built on the netbeans platform and provides a robust easy to use user interface [Less]
Sketches allows you to create and edit Ruby code from the comfort of your editor, while having it safely reloaded in IRB whenever changes to the code are saved.
The reload.vim plug-in automatically reloads various types of Vim scripts as you're editing them in Vim to give you instant feedback on the changes you make. Automatic reloading of Vim scripts is currently supported for the following types of scripts:
- Standard plug-ins
- Auto-load scripts
... [More] - File-type plug-ins
- Syntax highlighting scripts
- File-type indentation plug-ins
- Color scheme scripts
You're free to change the 'runtimepath' and reloading will still work.
Note that vimrc scripts are not reloaded because that seems to cause more trouble than it's worth... [Less]
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