Transana is a cross-platform tool for the transcription and qualitative analysis of audio and video data. It also provides the ability to identify and organize analytically interesting portions of videos, as well as attach keywords to those video clips.
A spin on the phrase "tag it!", Taguette is a free and open source qualitative research tool that allows users to:
* Import PDFs, Word Docs (.docx), Text files (.txt), HTML, EPUB, MOBI, Open Documents (.odt), and Rich Text Files (.rtf).
* Highlight words, sentences, or paragraphs and tag them
... [More] with the codes you create.
* (not yet) Group imported documents together (e.g. as 'Interview' or 'Lit Review').
* Export tagged documents, highlights for a specific tag, a list of tags with description and colors, and whole projects. [Less]
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