Minimalistic but full-featured address book in your web browser.
adx is a standalone and portable web app (online and offline).
Contact Management, portable, small (<200KB), lightweight, contact tagging, geo mapping, web accounts, trigger phone/Skype calls, etc.
vCard (as file or QR code via offline generator), embedded Microformats (hCard 1.0, XFN).
Your address-book (XML file) is transformed in your web browser (via XSLT) to a full-featured web application (HTML).
Web browser for viewing online or offline (some like Chrome need a small command line parameter for offline viewing); no server, plugin or anything else needed. Any text editor can be used for contact editing (addressbook.xml). [Less]
A Mobile Code (aka 2D barcodes, QR Codes, Data Matrix, Semacode) is a simple way of transferring text and links from print or a computer screen onto a mobile device. Mobile Barcoder fits into this process by integrating the generation process into Firefox.
Simply hover over the square target icon
... [More] on the status bar to generate a barcode of the current page. Right click on a link to generate a barcode for that link and the same goes for text selections.
To read the barcode you will require an application on your phone. Many phones now come with one already installed, but otherwise you can find many different options for almost any phone model. [Less]
The QR Code Plasmoid is a plasmoid for KDE4 that enables the user to quickly
export some selected text in the form of a QR Code. The QR Code can then
be scanned by a mobile phone or other device to retrieve the information.
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