This package aims to provide a free, cross-platform suite of unofficial drivers and tools for the PCI MAX 2007+ and compatible FM radio transmitter cards manufactured by PCS Electronics. Currently only a Linux 2.6 driver module and a command line user space tool are ready. A GUI tool and drivers for
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other operating systems may be added if there's demand.
Getting started Building sources from SVN HEAD (requires GNU autotools and Linux kernel headers): $ svn co pcimaxfm
$ cd pcimaxfm
$ ./
$ ./configure
$ make2. Installing and loading Linux module (as superuser):
# make install
# modprobe pcimaxfm3. Usage:
$ pcimaxctl --helpReleasesNo releases yet, get sources from SVN repository
LinksPCS Electronics ― Manufacturer. PCS Electronics forum ― Official support and discussion forum. PCMAX ― Linux 2.4 driver for legacy PC MAX cards. [Less]