SEO Panel - A complete control panel for search engine optimization includes keyword rank checker,google pagerank checker,alexa rank checker,sitemap generator,meta tag generator,back link checker,Website Submission tool.
Features seo panel :
* keyword rank checker - Keyword position rank
... [More] checker
* sitemap Generator - Automatic Sitemap Generator
* google pagerank checker - Google pagerank checker
* meta tag generator - Meta tag generator
* alexa Rank checker - Multiple Alexa Rank checker
* back link checker - Back link checker
* directory submission tool - Automatic Website Submission tool
* Proxy Server Feature
* Multi Language Support
* Print and Export Reports
* Import Keywords to Seo Panel [Less]
Hama is a distributed computing framework based on BSP (Bulk Synchronous Parallel) computing techniques for massive scientific computations, Currently being incubated as one of the incubator project by the Apache Software Foundation
RankFace is a compact PHP library which allows you to track some interesting SEO factors about domains like Google PageRank, Alexa Rank, domain expiry dates, SRank, number of inlinks, number of pages, Google Cache rank and more.
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