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  Analyzed 21 days ago

SObjectizer is a small tool for simplification of development of multithreaded and concurrent applications in C++. It was used for projects of various sizes: from very small utilities to large distributed and highly loaded applications. SObjectizer is strongly influenced by agent-oriented ... [More] approach. It allows to organize an application as an aggregate of agents whose interact each other only by asynchronous messages. SObjectizer takes responsibility of in-process message dispatching and providing working context for message processing. And allows to tune those things by supplying various ready-to-use dispatchers just out-of-box. For long time SObjectizer was an in-house product of Intervale, but now it is an OpenSource projects. [Less]

827K lines of code

0 current contributors

over 2 years since last commit

2 users on Open Hub

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  Analyzed 22 days ago

A lightweight C++ Qt binding for ZeroMQ nzmqt is a re-implementation of the zeromqt library, which integrates ZeroMQ into the Qt event loop, mapping ZeroMQ message events onto Qt signals. While I took this idea and the original implementation as a source of information, I have done a completely ... [More] new implementation. Not only in order to get rid of some shortcomings, but also because I wanted to be sure I can use the code in my projects without problems, because until now zeromqt's author hasn't officially released his work under a certain (open source) license. Consequently, nzmqt is released to the public under the simplified BSD license. So you can use the code in your projects without any fear. [Less]

2.53K lines of code

0 current contributors

over 7 years since last commit

0 users on Open Hub

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Viua VM


  Analyzed 22 days ago

Viua parallel virtual machine designed to run massively concurrent programs. Viua VM programs are written in an assembly-lookalike language which is a thin abstraction over executable bytecode which gives the programmer great control over the behaviour of the program. The VM's assembly can also be a target for a higher-level compiler.

69.2K lines of code

1 current contributors

3 months since last commit

0 users on Open Hub

Very Low Activity
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  Analyzed 22 days ago

Declarative concurrency in Scala - The implementation of the chemical machine

14.2K lines of code

0 current contributors

almost 3 years since last commit

0 users on Open Hub

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