JSR 385 - A Units of Measurement API for the Java Community: (successor to JSR 363, replacing JSR 275, 108, 256 and earlier efforts like OSGi Measurements). Allowing experts to collaborate on source code evolving around Unit Standards like UCUM.
JSR-275 specifies one or more Java packages for the programmatic handling of physical quantities and their expression as numbers of units. The specification includes:
Interfaces and abstract classes with methods for unit operations:
Checking of unit compatibility
Expression of a quantity in
... [More] various units
Arithmetic operations on units
Concrete classes implementing the standard types of units (such as base, supplementary, and derived) and unit conversions.
Classes for parsing unit specifications in string form and for formatting string representations of quantities.
A database of predefined units.
Developers frequently encounter the need to model units of measure, because objects in the real world are subject to these measures. When working with units, developers need to unders [Less]
Dealing with monetary values consistently in a large application is important.
Things that need to be considered are:-
precision rounding display formatting multi-currency database persistence
This collection of classes deals with the above issues.
The core Money class is a drop in
... [More] replacement for BigDecimal with added functionality to deal with monetary values. If offers the following features:-
Consistent precision JDBC and JPA database persistence Self awareness Logging
Self awareness?Sometimes you need to have processing rules for a specific monetary field. Let's say that VAT needs to be calculated consistently across multiple applications. When a Money object is instantiated it can be given a name. Straight away this is used in any log messages. A listener can register its interest in all Money objects of a given name. Now whenever the field is changed or stored the listener is invoked where it can reprocess the value or take other customer actions. [Less]
DI ( Dependency Injection with Setter, Constructor, and Method), AOP ( Aspect Oriented Programming ), Events support, and XML, YAML, AND JSR annotations as bean definition providers, lightweight, simple, and quick MVC ( Model View Controller ), syslog, tcp client and server, with non blocking
... [More] sockets, timers, and custom error, signal, and exception handling, PAGI Integration (for asterisk gateway interface or agi), PAMI Integration (for asterisk management). Needs PHP 5.3, very similar to seasar, spring ( java ) . Tested with doctrine2! ;) [Less]
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