OSGeoLive is a self-contained bootable USB thumb drive, DVD or Virtual Machine based on Lubuntu, that allows you to try a wide variety of open source geospatial software without installing anything. It is composed entirely of free software, allowing it to be freely distributed, duplicated and passed around.
CMDBuild is a configurable web application to model and manage a database containing assets (CMDB stands for "Configuration and Management Data Base") and handle related workflow operations.
The aim is to let the operators have full control of the assets used, knowing exactly composition
... [More], dislocation, functional relations and history.
CMDBuild is a centralized management module working with databases and external applications: automatic inventory, documents management, text processing, directory services, e-mail, monitoring systems, intranet portals and other information systems.
CMDBuild is a flexible and user-upgradeable system and uses the best practices defined by ITIL (IT Information Library). [Less]
EasySDI is a simple and ready-to-use solution to deploy a Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) based on ISO/OGC standards. It aims to fullfill INSPIRE directive and the needs of organisations willing to share their geodata.
The solution is particularly designed for setting up discovery, view and
... [More] download services in a secured environment with rights management and multilingual support. [Less]
This code base includes enhancements to the GBIF portal and indexing software to enable the production of a web portal more suited to the needs of Australia.
The ALA GIS portal is an maven overlay on the GBIF portal code base.
The GBIF Portal code base is available here: http://code.google.com/p/gbif-dataportal/
The Ossim Mapping ARchiver (OMAR) is an advanced discovery, processing, and viewing system for remote sensing, satellite and aerial image processing, and a wide range of geospatial products. The top level logic uses GRAILS to integrate several leading open source solutions including:
... [More], OpenLayers, MapServer, GDAL, Postgres/Postgis, GeoServer (geotools) and others. The core development team at RadiantBlue provides periodic releases and ongoing support for the system to a wide range of federal agencies, international efforts and projects. [Less]
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