Generic Dao is a Java package which allows a developer to skip writing DAOs for their persistent objects when they are using Spring and JDBC or Hibernate (support for others as needed/requested). It provides basic DAO methods like save/create/delete/update/findById, search methods, and batch update
... [More] methods for ORM functionality which stays out of your way. It can easily be overridden and controlled. Interceptors and caching mechanisms are provided.
This also includes a set of reflection utilities which allow for Commons BeanUtils like functionality but includes support for annotations, fields, construction of any object, and nested null handling. [Less]
Parancoe purpose is to give to developers a set of libraries ready to build standard web applications (which in most cases are just crud applications) without worrying of long and harmful configurations files. Parancoe will be composed of a full MVC stack.
AutoDAO is a Generic DAO on steroids implementation for Java with Hibernate support, annotation-driven configuration, tight Spring Framework integration and zero persistence code required for most common query types.
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