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  Analyzed 11 days ago

Geo-Spatial Data Viewer (GSDView) is a lightweight viewer for geo-spatial data and products. It is written in python and Qt4 and uses the GDAL library. GSDView is modular and has a simple plug-in architecture.

19.7K lines of code

0 current contributors

about 4 years since last commit

1 users on Open Hub

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Licenses: No declared licenses



  Analyzed 10 days ago

MapWindow5 is the successor of the successful open source GIS application called MapWindow 4. MapWindow5 is written in C# using the latest techniques and standards. The first stable releases are available at GitHub.

205K lines of code

2 current contributors

about 4 years since last commit

1 users on Open Hub

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  No analysis available

Common Lisp bindings for the GDAL/OGR library with low-level C mappings and a CLOS-based object-oriented mappings.

0 lines of code

0 current contributors

0 since last commit

0 users on Open Hub

Activity Not Available
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Mostly written in language not available
Licenses: BSD-3-Clause



  No analysis available

QMapShack is a lightweight vector and raster map viewer that supports several popular formats like Garmin Map Image (.img) for vector maps and rastor formats like GDAL Virtual File (.vrt), Garmin Birds Eye (.jnx) and CompeGPS Map Container (.rmap). It also supports online maps with the format of ... [More] WMTS (.wmts) and digital elevation model (DEM) with the format of GDAL Virtual File (.vrt). QMapShack is a new lightweight spin off from QLandkarte GT that uses Qt5 and new concepts with the primary golas of being fast, enabling use of several workspaces and several maps in each workspace, handling data project-oriented and exchanging data with the devices by drag-n-drop. [Less]

0 lines of code

10 current contributors

0 since last commit

0 users on Open Hub

Activity Not Available
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Mostly written in language not available
Licenses: gpl3



  Analyzed 10 days ago

Geospatial scripts and hacks from my personal projects, mainly programmed in Python and Bash, using libraries such as GDAL/OGR, Django, etc.

2.34K lines of code

0 current contributors

over 3 years since last commit

0 users on Open Hub

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  Analyzed 11 days ago

The Ossim Mapping ARchiver (OMAR) is an advanced discovery, processing, and viewing system for remote sensing, satellite and aerial image processing, and a wide range of geospatial products. The top level logic uses GRAILS to integrate several leading open source solutions including: OSSIM ... [More] , OpenLayers, MapServer, GDAL, Postgres/Postgis, GeoServer (geotools) and others. The core development team at RadiantBlue provides periodic releases and ongoing support for the system to a wide range of federal agencies, international efforts and projects. [Less]

362K lines of code

0 current contributors

about 7 years since last commit

0 users on Open Hub

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