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  • cdp (13)



      Analyzed 25 days ago

    LLDP is an industry standard protocol designed to supplant proprietary link-Layer protocols such as Extreme's EDP (Extreme Discovery Protocol) and CDP (Cisco Discovery Protocol). The goal of LLDP is to provide an inter-vendor compatible mechanism to deliver Link-Layer notifications to adjacent ... [More] network devices. This implementation provides LLDP sending and reception, supports VLAN and includes an SNMP subagent that can interface to an SNMP agent through AgentX protocol. This daemon is also able to deal with CDP, SONMP and EDP protocol. [Less]

    80.9K lines of code

    5 current contributors

    2 months since last commit

    3 users on Open Hub

    Moderate Activity
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    Network Documentation Tool


      Analyzed 25 days ago

    An open source tool for Network Documentation. Relevant features: - Device discovery (SNMP), Layer2 topology discovery and graphing, IP address space management (IPAM) for IPv4 and IPv6 with DNS/DHCP config generation, cable plant, etc.

    41.6K lines of code

    2 current contributors

    about 4 years since last commit

    1 users on Open Hub

    I Use This
    Licenses: No declared licenses



      Analyzed 25 days ago

    Tracks network devices on your switchs

    13.6K lines of code

    1 current contributors

    over 4 years since last commit

    1 users on Open Hub

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    OWASP Assimilation Project


      Analyzed 25 days ago

    We provide continuous integrated IT Discovery and Monitoring. - Discovery cannot set off security alarms - Monitoring is integrated with discovery and scalable almost w/o limit - Extensible discovery includes servers, services, switches, packages, checksums, containers, and system settings - ... [More] We provide security audits, alerts, visualizations, and risk scores We find systems you've forgotten about (which are likely to be used in intrusions) and services you're not monitoring, which add risk. The discovery produces an always-up-to-date CMDB which provides a detailed graph model of your infrastructure. We discover what systems are running licensed software so you can minimize your risk and cost. Architecture is fully-distributed - minimizing impact on servers and networks. [Less]

    86.8K lines of code

    2 current contributors

    about 1 year since last commit

    1 users on Open Hub

    Very Low Activity
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      Analyzed 25 days ago

    Some experiments around backup.

    10.4K lines of code

    1 current contributors

    about 6 years since last commit

    1 users on Open Hub

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    Tags backup c cdp



      Analyzed 25 days ago

    LibreNMS is an autodiscovering PHP/MySQL/SNMP based network monitoring which includes support for a wide range of network hardware and operating systems including Cisco, Linux, FreeBSD, Juniper, Brocade, Foundry, HP and many more. LibreNMS is a community-based fork of Observium. We intend ... [More] LibreNMS to be a viable project and community that: encourages contribution, focuses on the needs of its users, and offers a welcoming, friendly environment for everyone. The Debian Social Contract will be the basis of our priority system, and mutual respect the basis of our behaviour towards others. For more about the culture we're trying to build, please read the Freenode philosophy, including guidelines for running an IRC channel and being a community catalyst. [Less]

    271K lines of code

    216 current contributors

    about 2 months since last commit

    1 users on Open Hub

    High Activity
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