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  • cam (50)



      Analyzed 25 days ago

    FreeCAD will be a general purpose 3D CAD modeller. The development will be completely Open Source. As modern 3D CAX modellers it will have a 2D component to extract design drawings from the 3D model, but 2D (like AutoCAD) is not the focus, neither are animation and organic shapes (Maya, 3D ... [More] StudioMAX, Cinema 4D). FreeCAD will aim directly to mechanical engineering, product design and related features (like CatiaV4 and V5, and SolidWorks). It will be a feature based parametric modeler. [Less]

    5.57M lines of code

    116 current contributors

    2 months since last commit

    29 users on Open Hub

    Very High Activity
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      Analyzed 25 days ago

    ZoneMinder is a free video camera security application suite, designed for low cost DIY video security including commercial or home CCTV, theft prevention and child or family member monitoring including nanny cam applications. It supports capture, analysis, recording, and monitoring of video data ... [More] coming from cameras attached to a Linux system. Motion detection, emailed alerts and remote viewing are also supported. [Less]

    1.69M lines of code

    47 current contributors

    2 months since last commit

    8 users on Open Hub

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      Analyzed 25 days ago

    Open CASCADE Community Edition: patches/improvements/experiments contributed by users over the official Open CASCADE library. It was created due to dissatisfaction with OCC's lack of transparency or a public repository. A repository was created at https://github.com/tpaviot/oce Open CASCADE ... [More] Technology (OCCT) is an open source software development platform. It includes components for 3D surface and solid modeling, visualization, data exchange and rapid application development. It can be applied in development of numerical simulation software including CAD/CAM/CAE, AEC and GIS, as well as PDM applications. OCCT traces its history to the mid 1990s. [Less]

    1.75M lines of code

    4 current contributors

    over 5 years since last commit

    7 users on Open Hub

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    Licenses: No declared licenses



      Analyzed 25 days ago

    Slic3r is a CAM software that translates a 3D solid STL model into GCODE commands and toolpaths for a RepRap 3D printer.

    134K lines of code

    22 current contributors

    over 2 years since last commit

    6 users on Open Hub

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      Analyzed 25 days ago

    Motion is a program that monitors the video signal from one or more cameras and is able to detect if a significant part of the picture has changed; in other words, it can detect motion. The program is written in C and is made for the Linux operating system. Motion is a command line based tool ... [More] whose output can be either jpeg, ppm fies or mpeg video sequences. Motion is strictly command line driven and can run as a daemon with a rather small footprint. Motion is the perfect tool for keeping an eye on your property, keeping only those images that are interesting. [Less]

    31.1K lines of code

    0 current contributors

    about 11 years since last commit

    4 users on Open Hub

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      Analyzed 25 days ago

    EMC is software that implements real-time control of equipment such as CNC machine tools, robots, and coordinate measuring machines. It runs in realtime under Linux with the RTAI patch. It provides a software PLC, and a realtime HAL for flexibility. For ease of use, prebuilt packages are available for most LTS releases of Ubuntu.

    1.02M lines of code

    0 current contributors

    2 months since last commit

    4 users on Open Hub

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      Analyzed 25 days ago

    HeeksCAD is not finished, yet. HeeksCAD is a free, open source, CAD application written by me, Dan Heeks, danheeks@gmail.com Anyone can download it from http://code.google.com/p/heekscad/ Functionality: Import solid models from STEP and IGES files. Draw construction geometry and lines and ... [More] arcs. Create new primitive solids, or make solids by extruding a sketch or by making a lofted solid between sketches. Modify solids using blending, or boolean operations. Save IGES, STEP and STL. Printer plot the 2D geometry or to HPGL. Import and export dxf files; lines, arcs, ellipses, splines and polylines are supported. Use the geometric constraints solver to create accurate drawings from rough sketches. See here for instruction how to use HeeksCAD http://code.google.com/p/heekscad/wiki/UsingHe [Less]

    83.9K lines of code

    1 current contributors

    almost 5 years since last commit

    3 users on Open Hub

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    Vidi Public


      Analyzed 25 days ago

    Public repo for vidi. vidi is a service that allows web developers to add live streaming video capabilities easily to web sites or web applications. Some examples are video conferencing, video messaging, video chat sites, live event broadcast applications, security camera applications, IPTV ... [More] applications etc. vidi is an API-oriented live video streaming service. It uses Flash on the client-side which is controlled by a JavaScript API along with a Web Service API for you to control the streams. [Less]

    83.8K lines of code

    0 current contributors

    over 14 years since last commit

    3 users on Open Hub

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      Analyzed 25 days ago

    CAMotics is an Open-Source software which can quickly simulate 3-axis NC machining. It aims to be a fast, flexible and user friendly simulation and CAM software for the DIY and Open-Source community. It focuses on the needs of desktop and low-end CNCs and engravers which have recently become ... [More] available for as little as $1000 USD. At home manufacturing is one of the next big technology revolutions. Much like the PC was 30 years ago. There have been major advances in desktop 3D printing (e.g. Maker Bot) but desktop CNCs have stagnated despite the availability of cheap CNC machines. A major reason for this is a lack of free software. Until now. [Less]

    92.9K lines of code

    2 current contributors

    5 months since last commit

    2 users on Open Hub

    Very Low Activity
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    iSpy Motion and Sound Detection


      Analyzed 9 months ago

    iSpy uses your webcams and microphones to detect and record movement or sound and provides security, surveillance, monitoring and alerting services. Any media that is captured is compressed and made available securely over the web or mobile.

    406K lines of code

    3 current contributors

    over 1 year since last commit

    1 users on Open Hub

    Activity Not Available
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    Licenses: No declared licenses