29 shared projects Mozilla Firefox, Apache Subversion, Apache HTTP Server, MySQL, Apache OpenOffice, Bash, Linux Kernel, GNU tar, GNU grep, GNU Core Utilities, X.Org, GNU GRUB, GNU Make, sudo, GNU findutils, GNU Compiler Collection, rsync, GNU sed, GNU Autoconf, GNU Automake, GDB, GnuPG, GNU gettext, LaTeX, GNOME, tcpdump, CVS: Concurrent Versions System, Pidgin IM (ex-Gaim), GNU Emacs
6 unique projects ImageMagick, GNU Libtool, OpenSSH, Evince, GNU binutils, bzip2
36 shared projects GNU grep, Linux Kernel, GNU Make, GIMP, Apache OpenOffice, GNU tar, GNOME, Pidgin IM (ex-Gaim), MPlayer, GNU Core Utilities, KDE, Common Unix Printing System (CUPS), sudo, X.Org, GNU GRUB, GNU findutils, MySQL, rsync, rdesktop, PuTTY, TortoiseSVN, Mozilla Firefox, Apache Subversion, GNU Compiler Collection, Bash, LyX, LaTeX, Vim, OpenSSL, GnuPG, GNU sed, GNU Autoconf, GNU Automake, Samba, GDB, Apache HTTP Server
22 unique projects Enlightenment (e16), Fluxbox, Enlightenment (window manager), AfterStep, cURL, GNU Screen, Dovecot, Thunderbird, Git, TeXmacs, MiKTeX, ImageMagick, Battle for Wesnoth, Maxima GPL CAS based on DOE-MACSYMA, bzip2, GTK, Nmap Security Scanner, Wget, Wine, Xen Project (Hypervisor), NTP Pool, ccache
24 shared projects Mozilla Firefox, CIA.vc, Apache Subversion, GNU tar, GNU Make, GNU Compiler Collection, X.Org, Bash, GNU Core Utilities, GNU GRUB, GNU grep, Linux Kernel, sudo, OpenSSL, rsync, GNU sed, Common Unix Printing System (CUPS), GNU Autoconf, GDB, GNU Automake, GIMP, Apache OpenOffice, GNOME, GNU findutils
4 unique projects GNU Screen, LAME (Lame Ain't an MP3 Encoder), cURL, GNU Libtool
44 shared projects rsync, Common Unix Printing System (CUPS), GNU Automake, GNU Autoconf, tcpdump, PostgreSQL Database Server, Eclipse IDE for Java, KDE, Doxygen, Ghostscript, Apache Ant, CVS: Concurrent Versions System, Clam AntiVirus, Mozilla Firefox, GNU tar, GNU Core Utilities, Apache Subversion, Samba, LaTeX, Apache HTTP Server, Linux Kernel, MySQL, GNU findutils, GNU Emacs, Bash, X.Org, PuTTY, GNU Compiler Collection, Apache OpenOffice, GNU grep, GNU sed, rdesktop, sudo, GIMP, GNOME, GDB, GNU gettext, Vim, OpenSSL, TortoiseSVN, OpenLDAP, GNU Make, Apache Tomcat, Pidgin IM (ex-Gaim)
51 unique projects Git, Debian, Inkscape, librsvg, GNU Libtool, DocBook, libpng, OpenVPN, Gawk, The FreeType Project, libxml2, Apache SpamAssassin, xterm, libjpeg, dpkg, GNU Aspell, VI, GNU Screen, Web Developer (Browser Add-on), iptables, Chromium (Google Chrome), PHP, GNU C Library, cURL, phpMyAdmin, jQuery, Dia, strace, zlib, OpenSSH, GLib, Qt 4, Firebug, bzip2, GNU binutils, Evince, pkg-config, Cygwin, Nautilus, GD, CMake, Wget, Mozilla Add-ons, RPM, Thunderbird, ImageMagick, gzip, BIND9 (Berkeley Internet Name Domain), GNU Diff Utilities, GTK, GraphViz
23 shared projects GNU tar, sudo, Common Unix Printing System (CUPS), Mozilla Firefox, Bash, GNU grep, GNU Autoconf, GnuPG, Apache HTTP Server, Apache Subversion, Vim, MySQL, GNU Core Utilities, GNOME, GIMP, GNU Compiler Collection, PuTTY, GNU findutils, GNU Make, GNU Automake, Apache OpenOffice, Linux Kernel, X.Org
3 unique projects GTK, Thunderbird, e-fx-clipse
34 shared projects Log4j, Mozilla Firefox, GNU Compiler Collection, Apache Subversion, Apache OpenOffice, Apache Ant, Apache HTTP Server, Clam AntiVirus, CVS: Concurrent Versions System, cvsweb, Doxygen, Eclipse Ant Plugin, Eclipse IDE for Java, Pidgin IM (ex-Gaim), GIMP, GNOME, GNU Autoconf, GNU Automake, jEdit, JUnit, Linux Kernel, MPlayer, PostgreSQL Database Server, PuTTY, TortoiseSVN, GNU findutils, X.Org, sudo, GNU tar, GNU GRUB, Bash, GNU grep, GnuPG, MySQL
26 unique projects Crystal Space 3D, Trac, ImageMagick, GNU Screen, Axis (Java), Inkscape, Jython, LAME (Lame Ain't an MP3 Encoder), Scribus, Thunderbird, Wine, MinGW - Minimalist GNU for Windows, OpenEmbedded, Simple DirectMedia Layer, The Freenet Project, GNUpod, WingS, GNU Midnight Commander, Audacious, Eterm, Drupal (core), Drupal (contributions), Gentoo Linux, VLC media player, Enlightenment (e16), ejabberd
31 shared projects Apache OpenOffice, CIA.vc, Mozilla Firefox, MPlayer, GNU Compiler Collection, GNU Core Utilities, GNOME, X.Org, Common Unix Printing System (CUPS), MySQL, GIMP, Bash, GNU findutils, rsync, GNU tar, PuTTY, Linux Kernel, TortoiseSVN, Pidgin IM (ex-Gaim), Apache Subversion, Eclipse IDE for Java, Vim, Apache HTTP Server, GNU GRUB, Samba, OpenSSL, sudo, GnuPG, GNU grep, GNU sed, GNU Make
19 unique projects WinSCP, PHP, phpMyAdmin, Vuze (formerly Azureus), VLC media player, LAME (Lame Ain't an MP3 Encoder), Thunderbird, ImageMagick, Firebird, Inkscape, Postfix, GNU C Library, OpenSSH, GNU Screen, bzip2, Wget, GNU Diff Utilities, gpodder.net, bwmon
31 shared projects MySQL, Linux Kernel, GNU sed, MediaWiki, MPlayer, sudo, GNU grep, GNU Make, GnuPG, Bash, GNU tar, GNU Automake, Apache OpenOffice, Apache Subversion, Vim, PostgreSQL Database Server, GNU Autoconf, Mozilla Firefox, GNU Core Utilities, GNU findutils, Common Unix Printing System (CUPS), Samba, Apache HTTP Server, PuTTY, GIMP, X.Org, GNU GRUB, OpenSSL, rsync, GNU Compiler Collection, GDB
17 unique projects GNU Diff Utilities, Firebug, ImageMagick, phpMyAdmin, GNU binutils, Wget, Gentoo Linux, bzip2, GNU C Library, VLC media player, GNU Screen, PHP, udev, Oracle VM VirtualBox, OpenSSH, Kubuntu, Nmap Security Scanner
30 shared projects Log4j, X.Org, Bash, Spring Framework, GNU Compiler Collection, GnuPG, Apache Ant, GNU grep, Mozilla Firefox, Apache Subversion, Apache HTTP Server, LaTeX, JUnit, Apache Commons BeanUtils, Eclipse Ant Plugin, GNU tar, GNU findutils, OpenSSL, GDB, MySQL, GNU sed, Vim, Eclipse IDE for Java, Apache OpenOffice, GNU Core Utilities, CVS: Concurrent Versions System, GNU Make, Samba, GNU gettext, Apache Tomcat
10 unique projects Eclipse Web Tools Platform (WTP), Apache Commons Lang, Apache ORO, GTK, bzip2, Commons IO, Apache Xerces2 J, Apache Commons Collections, Apache Commons Logging, GLib
35 shared projects Mozilla Firefox, Apache Subversion, Bash, Apache HTTP Server, Linux Kernel, GNU findutils, Apache OpenOffice, GNU grep, GIMP, GNU tar, sudo, X.Org, rsync, GNU Compiler Collection, OpenSSL, GNU Core Utilities, GNU Make, Common Unix Printing System (CUPS), GDB, GNU GRUB, Vim, GNU sed, GnuPG, MPlayer, Samba, LaTeX, PuTTY, Pidgin IM (ex-Gaim), GNU Autoconf, GNU Automake, Doxygen, KDE, GNU Parted, GNU Emacs, MediaWiki
28 unique projects bzip2, GNU Diff Utilities, Wget, OpenSSH, udev, Amarok, GNU binutils, Debian, GNU C Library, Python programming language, Wireshark, Bugzilla, Wine, Perl, NetworkManager, GNU Libtool, Gawk, gzip, dpkg, xterm, WordPress, Konqueror, Cygwin, BusyBox, Kopete, Kate (KDE), Ogg Video Tools, KDE PIM
26 shared projects rsync, Mozilla Firefox, Apache Subversion, MySQL, Bash, Linux Kernel, GNU GRUB, GNU Autoconf, GNU sed, GNU findutils, MPlayer, Vim, GNU tar, GNU Compiler Collection, Samba, GNU Automake, X.Org, sudo, Apache OpenOffice, PuTTY, Common Unix Printing System (CUPS), GNU Core Utilities, Apache HTTP Server, GNU grep, GNU Make, GDB
7 unique projects Thunderbird, ImageMagick, Postfix, Bitten, Nagios, LCDproc, PhoneGap
24 shared projects PuTTY, Apache Subversion, GIMP, Mozilla Firefox, GNU grep, GNU findutils, Apache OpenOffice, sudo, Bash, Apache HTTP Server, MySQL, GNU Compiler Collection, X.Org, Linux Kernel, GNU GRUB, GNU Core Utilities, Vim, rsync, GNU tar, Common Unix Printing System (CUPS), GnuPG, Samba, MPlayer, TortoiseSVN
4 unique projects Thunderbird, bzip2, phpMyAdmin, OpenSSH