Reviews and Ratings

Excellent tool for compiler generat...  
written over 17 years ago

This is a really nice tool to generate parsers and partial compilers with tree-traversal capability. Grammar style very flexible and easy to learn for the lex/yacc or flex/bison grammar writers.

I used JavaCC for a variety of research compilers I have written in my work on the GIPSY project (General Intensional Programming System) during my masters' thesis.

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General MARF's plug-in architecture...  
written about 17 years ago

MARF is a nice testbed to compare any type of pattern-recognition pipeline algorithm against each other and more; it's not only about Audio... By implementing its core API interfaces one can easily add plug-ins on any of the pipeline stages and beyond for signal and NLP processing and others.

MARF has been used various works, theses, and publications, open and commercial applications, research, course work, etc. due to the vast generality of many of its modules.

NOTE: My review is maybe biased a bit for I am one of the main project creators and maintainers :-) I would appreciate any constructive review from others...

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