1 shared project CUnit
2 unique projects C Vector, C_Interpreter
1 shared project CUnit
20 unique projects PHP, FreeBSD, Apache HTTP Server, MySQL, OpenLDAP, FreeBSD Ports, GNU Compiler Collection, OpenSSH, libevent - an event notification library, libcurl, Git, libxml2, GnuTLS, zlib, Apache Tomcat, Exim, Munin, Net-SNMP, bzip2, rsync
1 shared project CUnit
80 unique projects GNU Compiler Collection, SWIG, Python programming language, CppUnit - C++ port of JUnit, SCons - a Software Construction tool, GNOME, freesteam, matplotlib, Newscoop, Buildbot, OpenModelica, SciPy, Scilab, View3D, FRAME3DD, Fityk, Maxima GPL CAS based on DOE-MACSYMA, Rhythmbox, Ekiga, Thunderbird, Mozilla Calendar, Transmission, rsync, GIMP, Battle for Wesnoth, Wine, GraphicsMagick, F-Spot, ImageMagick, Inkscape, Mozilla Firefox, Empathy, JabRef, Apache Subversion, Meld, Xapian, GnuPG, Wget, X.Org, Evince, Cairo, NumPy, Eye of GNOME, gedit, Totem, GTK, NetworkManager, Nautilus, bzip2, metacity, Apache OpenOffice, Fedora Packages, Gaphor, Vim, GDB, Devhelp, Tomboy, Glade User Interface Designer, Valgrind, Adblock Plus, Dia, Apache HTTP Server, Doxygen, PuTTY, Gaphas, Stellarium, IPython, LibreOffice, Chromium (Google Chrome), WordPress, MediaWiki, Boost C++ Libraries, phpMyAdmin, GNOME Terminal, Bugzilla, MantisBT, TortoiseSVN, WinSCP, Qt 4, Notepad++