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Analyzed 22 days ago. based on code collected 23 days ago.
Posted over 12 years ago by [email protected] (Kevin)
Aside from a couple minor defect fixes, the code was idle for the last 2 weeks. So, I'm releasing 0.22.0. There are still a couple defects I'd like fixed, but I want to get 0.22.0 out now for a couple reasons. First, I want to get the substitution ... [More] feature out to everyone that has been waiting so patiently for it. Second (and probably more importantly), version 0.20.0 throws a nasty stack trace during startup in Eclipse Juno (4.2) which leaves Vrapper in a weird state. I fixed that issue in 0.22.0 so Vrapper will start correctly in Ecipse Juno for anyone who has already upgraded. However, I haven't yet gone through and verified all functionality against Eclipse Juno so there may be more problems. [Less]
Posted over 12 years ago by Kevin
2 weeks ago, I said that if the code sat idle for 2 weeks I'd release 0.22.0. Well, it didn't sit idle. So I'll try again; if the code can sit idle for 2 weeks I'll release version 0.22.0. Changes since last news posting are: \- Added basic ... [More] support for :g, :g\!, :v \-- Supports 'd', 's' and 'normal' operations \-- :g/foo/d \-- :g/foo/s/bar/baz/ \-- :g/foo/normal wwdw \-- :'<,'>g/foo/d \-- :help :g \- Added support for 'unnamed' clipboard \-- Uses system clipboard \-- :set clipboard=unnamed \- Added support for 't' text object \-- dit = delete contents of XML tag the cursor is within \-- dat = delete contents and the XML tag the cursor is within \- Removed H, M, and L mapping from JDT plugin \-- I don't know why they were overriding the default H, M, and L operations \- Fixed inconsistency with mouse click not updating sticky column [Less]
Posted over 12 years ago by [email protected] (Kevin)
2 weeks ago, I said that if the code sat idle for 2 weeks I'd release 0.22.0. Well, it didn't sit idle. So I'll try again; if the code can sit idle for 2 weeks I'll release version 0.22.0.Changes since last news posting are:
Posted over 12 years ago by Kevin
Work is still progressing quickly towards a 0.22.0 release. If I can just let the code sit idle for 2 weeks I'll probably release it. There's nothing else pending that I plan on adding but we've had some great contributions from others lately and I ... [More] don't want to rush them. Changes since last news posting are: \- Added history for all command-line based modes \--- Use up/down arrow \- Added cursor to all command-line based modes \--- Use left/right arrow \- Added support for 'ZZ' \(like :wq\) and 'ZQ' \(like :q\!\) \- Added support for r<character> in visual mode \- Added more tweaks to the new substitution command \- Fixed issue with '.' after performing a 'R' replace \- Fixed issue with '.' after performing a visual-mode change \- Fixed issue with '.' after performing a 'gt' or 'gT' \- Fixed issue with '%' in visual mode \- Fixed compatibility issue when joining a line that begins with '\)' Looking back at that list, I only worked on the easy things. All the difficult pieces were submitted by contributors. Thanks for all your help\! [Less]
Posted over 12 years ago by [email protected] (Kevin)
Work is still progressing quickly towards a 0.22.0 release. If I can just let the code sit idle for 2 weeks I'll probably release it. There's nothing else pending that I plan on adding but we've had some great contributions from others lately and I don't want to rush them.
Posted over 12 years ago by Kevin
Vrapper version 0.20.0 was released two weeks ago and I already feel like I'm ready to release 0.22.0. It's been a productive weekend for me with lots of new features. I promise to wait a little while to make sure these features are stable but I ... [More] think there is already enough here to be a new release. The unstable update site currently includes the following features: \- Added support for the much-requested substitution feature\! \--- Supports the 'g' and 'i' flags \--- Supports Eclipse's flavor of regex \------ :s/foo\(.+\)foo/bar$1bar/ \--- Supports '%' and any line range definition \------ :s/foo/bar/g \------ :%s/foo/bar/g \------ :2,5s/foo/bar/g \--- This feature will require lots of testing. It's extremely complex and nuanced. I'd like to hope that this implementation can cover the majority of use cases though. \- Added support for '&', 'g&', and ':s' for repeating last substitution \- Added support for '+' and '-' without leading '.' in line range operations \--- :-1,+1d == :.-1,.+1d \- Added support for searches in line range operations \--- ?something? searches above current line, /something/ searches below current line \--- :1,/foo/d \--- :?something?,+4y \--- :?something?,/foo/y \- Added mapping for Ctrl+N and Ctrl+P to Eclipse's word completion operation \--- Eclipse operation Alt+/ \--- Not quite content assist, but it's close \--- As always, unmap these keys in Eclipse if you want Vrapper to use them \- Refactored save operations so they play nicely with AnyEdit plugin \- Fixed an issue in Vrapper when 100+ files were open in Ecilpse \- Fixed issue with performing 'undo' after disabling Vrapper Also, a few updates to the optional CDT plugin \(JDT plugin already has these features\): \- Added support for 'gR' to rename element \- Added support for 'gc' to comment/uncomment lines \- Added support for '=' to auto-indent lines [Less]
Posted over 12 years ago by [email protected] (Kevin)
Vrapper version 0.20.0 was released two weeks ago and I already feel like I'm ready to release 0.22.0. It's been a productive weekend for me with lots of new features. I promise to wait a little while to make sure these features are stable but I think there is already enough here to be a new release.
Posted almost 13 years ago by [email protected] (Kevin)
I let the code sit idle for two weeks and no defects were filed. Therefore, I'm releasing Vrapper version 0.20.0 as promised. Rather than listing the changes since 0.18.0, I'll let you look at the previous three news posts where I listed them as they were introduced.
Posted almost 13 years ago by Kevin
I let the code sit idle for two weeks and no defects were filed. Therefore, I'm releasing Vrapper version 0.20.0 as promised. Rather than listing the changes since 0.18.0, I'll let you look at the previous three news posts where I listed them as they ... [More] were introduced. For anyone using the unstable update site, version 0.19.20120428 is the same as 0.20.0. Thanks to all the contributors and users of Vrapper\! According to the statistics on Eclipse's Marketplace, Vrapper is the \#1 vim plugin for Eclipse\! http://marketplace.eclipse.org/metrics/installs As of this writing, Vrapper is \#56 out of the 1,340 total plugins installable from Eclipse Marketplace. Emacs+ is \#46 but I won't take that personally. There is of course the caveat that this only tracks installs through Eclipse Marketplace. This means I have no idea how we rank compared to eclim since they use their own installer. [Less]
Posted almost 13 years ago by [email protected] (Kevin)
Things have been pretty slow lately and I'm running out of defects/feature requests I'm able to work on. That's typically a sign that we should be able to release soon. I've updated the unstable update site with version 0.19.20120428. I'm considering ... [More] this a Release Candidate. If this version can go 2 weeks without any major issues found, I'll consider it stable. [Less]