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Posted about 10 years ago by Kevin
I just released 0.52.0 a couple days ago but a number of people quickly hit the same problem. Certain command-line commands (such as :w and any mappings to an :eclipseaction) caused the editor to lose focus. This meant you had to click your mouse ... [More] within the editor to regain focus. As Vim users, we all know how frustrating it is when your hands have to leave the keyboard to use the mouse. So we fixed this issue and released 0.52.1 as quickly as we could. We apologize for any inconvenience. The only difference between 0.52.0 and 0.52.1 is that single defect fix: Fixed issue where some command-line commands would cause the editor to lose focus [Less]
Posted about 10 years ago by Kevin
While December was extremely slow for us, we did have some code changes in January so I'm sticking with our two-month release cycle and releasing 0.52.0 today. The following changes are in 0.52.0: Added support for 'gn' and 'gN' Added support for ... [More] ':buffer#' command and Ctrl-^ Added support for 'C' in visual mode (alias for 'c' or 's') Changed ':ls' command to be ':files' Fixed issue where '/e' in search didn't work with regex Fixed issue where '<c-=>' couldn't be used in a mapping Fixed issue where canceling a search would also clear the visual selection [Less]
Posted about 10 years ago by Kevin
It's been a month since 0.50.0 was released so I figured I should stick with my monthly status updates and tell you about the recent changes. However, there is nothing to report. Since 0.50.0 was released there hasn't been a single line of code ... [More] changed and there hasn't been a single defect filed. December is usually a slow month for us anyway, but I'm surprised we haven't had any defects filed either. I guess 0.50.0 must be a rock-solid release (or you guys must all be busy during December too). I hope you all enjoy Vrapper 0.50.0! [Less]
Posted about 10 years ago by Kevin
0.50.0 has been released, continuing with our two-month release cycle. At this point, I think I've been fully relegated to Project Manager status as albertdev has stepped up and handled basically all development in this release. He's much better at ... [More] this than I am and Vrapper is stronger for it. I'll take credit for resurrecting this project when the original authors abandoned it, but albertdev is the one who is able to fix the really difficult defects and introduce tough new features. Thank you albertdev for your amazing work! The following changes are included in 0.50.0: Added support for 'p'aste in visual block mode Added support for "* as a separate register on Linux Added support for the following 'clipboard' values: 'unnamedplus', 'autoselectplus', 'exclude:' Added support for 'g_' motion Added support for refreshing current file using ':e' with no arguments Added support for 'u' and 'U' in visual mode Fixed behavior of '{count}gT' to be more Vim-compliant Fixed issue with rendering command-line while scrolling Fixed issue with moving the cursor while in insert mode, then repeating Fixed issue with 'S' while on an empty line with Windows line-endings Fixed issue with eclipseaction in a vnoremap Fixed issue with ':reg' and ':marks' in Java 8 Fixed issue with visual display of selecting a newline Fixed issue with incremental search highlight when match is under the cursor Fixed issue with editing certain configuration files in IBM's Rational Software Architect IDE [Less]
Posted over 10 years ago by Kevin
It's been another month, time for your monthly status update with Vrapper. We've made the following changes on the unstable update site: Added new "line" text object plugin 'al' for column 0 to end-of-line 'il' for first non-whitespace character to ... [More] last non-whitespace character of a line Port of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=3886 Added support for 'gI' (insert at column 0) Added support for ':cmap' Fixed issue where word text objects would stop at unicode characters Fixed issue with 'O' on the line below a closed fold Fixed issue where 'q' (record macro) couldn't be re-mapped Fixed issue with 'A' in visual-block mode Fixed issue with '>' indent command with counts in visual mode Fixed issue which prevented a custom ':command' from using ':normal' Fixed issue where '\t' in substituion text couldn't be escaped Fixed styling issues in status bar Fixed behavior when toggling between visual mode and visual-line mode Changed 'ge', 'gE', and 'w' to be more vim-compliant in visual mode Various refactoring of old defect fixes [Less]
Posted over 10 years ago by Kevin
Vrapper version 0.48.0 has been released, back on schedule with our two-month release cycle. The only changes since the last news post were more esoteric bug fixes. The following fixes are included in 0.48.0: Fixed issue with cursor placement after ... [More] multi-line 'gp' Fixed issue using counts with 'o' command Fixed behavior for 2di' and 2yi' around whitespace Fixed issue with '*' and '#' when 'smartcase' is enabled Fixed issue where red error text wouldn't disappear from status bar Fixed issue with hitting backspace as soon as you enter insert mode then hitting '.' to repeat insertion Fixed issue with performing multiple searches while in visual mode Fixed issues with `[ and `] not updating after a delete or after 'p' [Less]
Posted over 10 years ago by Kevin
Time for another monthly status update on Vrapper. For the last couple years, our GitHub Issues page has hovered around 30 open defects/feature requests. Defects have been filed and fixed and we always seemed to have about 30 open at any given time. ... [More] This last month brought with it what I'm going to call some "overzealous" new users. We jumped from having ~30 defects to having over 50 in one month. 13 of those issues were filed by a single person. Now, I don't take this as a sign that Vrapper is unstable. I may be overly optimistic here, but I think it's actually because Vrapper has reached a point where we meet about 95% of most users' use cases. We're down to the esoteric features and nit-picking defects; which is to say, the really hard stuff. Just take a look at the current changes on our unstable update site: Added support for 'c_<C-R>_<C-W>' and 'c_<C-R>_<C-A>' Insert word under cursor into command-line Added support for 'n' flag in substitutions Count matches without performing substitution Fixed issue with using counts on a non-linewise paste Fixed issue with '}' in visual mode with ipmotion.vim plugin Fixed issue with 'incsearch' and '?' search mode Fixed issue with cursor position after a 'u' undo Fixed issue with ']' mark after deleting text Fixed issue with cursor position in visual mode when using "selection=exclusive" Fixed issue with performing multiple searches while in visual mode Fixed issue with enabling Vrapper while a text selection was active Fixed issue with pasting on an empty line with windows newlines Fixed issues with Vrapper interacting with Perforce plugin There are very few items in that list that I think are generally applicable or would affect a large number of users (and those are just the items we were able to fix). Hopefully this is a sign that the majority of our users are happy with Vrapper. Hopefully the majority of our users aren't even running into most of the defects we're fixing at this point. **Changes in behavior** One last thing. I removed a couple configurable options which nobody should've been using anyway. We had support for "saney" and "sanecw" which would modify the behavior of 'Y' and 'cw' to be more consistent with other Vim commands (despite our 'Y' and 'cw' being consistent with Vim's 'Y' and 'cw'). I removed these options because Vim's own documentation says to use ":map Y y$" and ":map cw dwi" if you want that "sane" behavior. I think our "saney" and "sanecw" options were added before Vrapper had support for ":map" but they are no longer necessary since we've had ":map" for a while now. [Less]
Posted over 10 years ago by Kevin
If I was sticking closely to my two-month release cycle I would've released last week. However, there weren't too many changes in this release. I also had just fixed a defect and I wanted to make sure my fix solved the problem. Now, a week later, I'm ... [More] releasing 0.46.0. Here are the changes since the last news post (included in 0.46.0): Changed 'syncmodifiable' to ignore Eclipse's readonly flag by default. This should help some Perforce users. Fixed issue where selecting from the end of the line backwards would skip the last character Fixed issue where Vrapper would stay in VisualMode after Eclipse cleared the selection Fixed issue where a visual selection could jump to the beginning of the next line Fixed issue where Mac command key was ignored. It is now treated as Ctrl. Fixed issue with 'i_Ctrl-Y' after 'A'. [Less]
Posted over 10 years ago by Kevin
Another month, another status update for Vrapper. In the past month, we've made the following changes to the unstable update site: Added support for ':command' to define custom user commands Fixed issue where 'softtabstop' broke multi-character ... [More] mappings (like 'imap jj <esc>') Fixed issue where you couldn't use unicode characters in .vrapperrc Fixed issue with mapping '0' to something then using counts for a command Fixed issue with 'R' replace mode at the end of a file Fixed issue with using <TAB> in a macro Fixed issue where you couldn't use a space in the right-hand side of a mapping Fixed issue preventing you from mapping '<c-/>' to anything Surround Plugin changes: Added ability to define custom surrounds by editor type au "Java" surround c /*\r*/ au "XML" surround c <!--\r--> Split Editor Plugin changes: Fixed issue with cursor location in a new split [Less]
Posted over 10 years ago by Kevin
It seems we're still sticking with this 2-month release cycle. 0.44.0 has been released and is primarily a bug-fix release with a ton of defects fixed. In addition to last month's list of fixes, 0.44.0 includes the following changes: Fixed XML tag ... [More] 't' text object to ignore JSP tags Fixed issue where accidentally using XML tag 't' text object in a non-XML file would cause StackOverflowError Fixed issue with multi-character mappings affecting regular commands Fixed issue to keep cursor visible when swapping visual selection sides Fixed issue where named register was sometimes still active after an operation Modified behavior of new "syncmodifiable" property Now a string rather than a boolean, valid values are 'matchreadonly' and 'nosync' 'matchreadonly' will set Vrapper's read-only flag to the state of Eclipse's read-only flag (this is the default) Other miscellaneous improvements of fixes made last month Split Editor Plugin changes: Added support for ':split' commands in detached windows Fixed 'gt' behavior Added ':wincmd n/p' and '<C-W>gt/gT' (which can be mapped to 'gt/gT') Fixed issue where a cloned editor would place its cursor at the beginning of the file [Less]