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Analyzed 22 days ago. based on code collected about 2 months ago.

Project Summary

uMurmur is a minimalistic Mumble server primarily targeted to run on routers with an open OS like OpenWRT. The server part of Mumble is called Murmur, hence the name uMurmur.

uMurmur 0.2.4 releasedThis is a bugfix release which fixes breakage on big endian platforms. If you get messages like Unsupported message 512 in the log and users can't login, you probably have big endian hardware and need to upgrade.

Note that a version 0.2.3 was available for download for ~30 minutes. This release included a bad makefile and should not be used.

See the Changelog for full release history.

Version 0.2.x of uMurmur supports version 1.2.x Mumble clients. It is not compatible with version 1.1.x of Mumble.

Higlights of the 0.2.x releases:

Uses Mumble protocol 1.2.x, meaning that clients 1.2.x are supported. Support for PolarSSL as an alternative to OpenSSL. Whisper target to channels, channel trees and linked channels. Temporary channels can be created by users. Channel links can be configured in the configuration file. Channels can be configured non-enterable in configuration file. Positional audio is stripped if users are not in the same plugin context (playing the same game).

Documentation for 0.2.xThis is not complete yet (and probably never will...). Please check out the following resources:

README Installing Configuring Building umurmur-general discussion group Changelog

Random infouMurmur is written in C and uses OpenSSL or PolarSSL and libconfig libraries. It also includes parts of libprotobuf_c from the Protobuf-c project for communication using Google's protocol buffers.

It targets to fill the needs of a pretty small group of users communicating, which in part originates from the other goal of working well on a small system with a limited CPU and limited amount of disk space. It also aims to minimize writing to the disk since these kinds of systems usually only has a flash memory for disk.

PolarSSL vs OpenSSLPolarSSL uses a lot less RAM memory than OpenSSL:

uMurmur linked to PolarSSL lib with 7 connected users uses ~900 Kb (code + data). Each new connection increases mem usage by ~60-70 kB. uMurmur linked to OpenSSL lib with 7 connected users uses ~4 Mb (code + data). Each new connection increases mem usage by ~400 kB.

On-disk memory usage is a lot less for PolarSSL:

root@router2:~# ls -l /usr/lib/libpolarssl.so
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 183073 Feb 13 17:53 /usr/lib/libpolarssl.so
root@router2:~# ls -l /usr/lib/libssl.so.0.9.8
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 204371 Sep 22 20:12 /usr/lib/libssl.so.0.9.8
root@router2:~# ls -l /usr/lib/libcrypto.so.0.9.8
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 912927 Sep 22 20:12 /usr/lib/libcrypto.so.0.9.8Note: PolarSSL library contains both SSL and crypto code.

I haven't noticed any great difference in CPU usage between the two.

Comparison to MurmuruMurmur supports a subset of the features of Murmur. To list some of the differences compared to Murmur:

Channels are statically configured in configuration file - no channel add/rename/move. Temporary channels can be added however. No user database No ACL support - no user ban/kick/mute/deafen No ICE or DBus interface No user avatar support

Some of the above might change in the future, but user database and ACLs are probably not going to be added anytime soon. Patches to add this are of course welcome :)

Older releasesuMurmur 0.1.xThe latest release supporting 1.1.x version of Mumble clients is 0.1.3. There will probably not be any more 0.1.x releases unless demand exists to correct any serious bugs. Users are encouraged to move to 0.2.x.

There are binary packages for OpenWRT 8.09 mipsel platform in the downloads section.

Documentation for 0.1.xInstalling Configuring Building Changelog umurmur-general discussion group


dd-wrt firmware mumble openwrt

BSD 4-clause (University of California-Specific)

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Project Security

Vulnerabilities per Version ( last 10 releases )

There are no reported vulnerabilities

Project Vulnerability Report

Security Confidence Index

Poor security track-record
Favorable security track-record

Vulnerability Exposure Index

Many reported vulnerabilities
Few reported vulnerabilities

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30 Day Summary

Jan 1 2025 — Jan 31 2025

12 Month Summary

Jan 31 2024 — Jan 31 2025