The UltraESB is a Free and Open Source Enterprise Service Bus [ESB] that facilitates the integration of different systems. Integration is facilitated via "messages" which maybe HTTP/S messages (such as SOAP, REST, JSON, XML, Hessian, AS2, HTML, Binary, Text etc) or messages over many other transports such as JMS, Email, TCP, MLLP/S etc, or Files FTP/S, SFTP etc. Messages may carry different types of payloads such as SOAP, XML, Text, CSV, EDI, HL7, JSON, Maps etc., and the UltraESB can accept messages over one transport in one format, and forward it to another system over another transport and another format. Messages passing through the UltraESB can be "mediated" via fragments of Java code or JSR 223 Scripting languages such as Ruby,Groovy,Javascript,etc. It supports Java IDE integration.
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